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1) I expect a fun game with as few bugs a possible, good graphics, and easy controls.
2) I play them at home whenever I have time.
3) More action instead of I-hit-you-you-hit-me and/or turn based combat
4) As long as it looks good and fits the game I don't really care.
1. What do you expect from the games you choose to play?joshthedonkeyThat the game is balanced. That the super powerful weapons being forbidden, since once a few get a hold of them, they tend to abuse them on the many that don't have them. Paying games tend to allow folks the option to buy these weapons with real money, and the game is no longer about skill, but who has the deepest pockets (with some players bragging they spent $5000 on weapons alone). :(
2. When and where do you play games?joshthedonkeyLike most, after work and at home.
3. If you could change the way RPGs play, what would you add of change?joshthedonkeyThat the game was something other than Middle Earth or some weird Sci-Fi game. Like with FPS games with rooms, dungeons, churches and catacombs, it tends to get quite boring playing the same concepts. 1. I would make a world something like Star Trek, but with a more extensive story. 2. With aspects of micro and macro economics (especially for economies and traders). 3. Totally different weapons and vehicles. 4. A realistic life (you have to eat, sleep, clean yourself, make sure your friends are happy and sound; moral/ethical decisions and consequences; responsibilities - if you're some squardron commander, you don't get to just fly and shoot, you have administrative and diplomatic work, too). 5. Allow independence (no requirements to join a guild/faction to get special help, ranks and what not). 6. Realistic weapons and damages (if you're going to shoot inside a spaceship, there are consequences for breeching the hull, etc.). 7. Different languages (and those who can't speak it will just see jibberish, requiring a translator to communicate otherwise). 8. Missions/quests that tie into a function for the world, not just a personal venture (i.e., if you had to kill XYZ you're killing it to not only save yourself, your squadron, and maybe your homeland, too) - you're part of a bigger scheme than yourself. 9. Trades (make as many that are realistic as possible (not just supply raw materials so some blacksmith type can forge tools/weapons; raw materials have to be processed by certain trades only into metals that a blacksmith type can make use of [or an engineer]). Not everyone would prefer to just shoot and explore; some want to make money, instead. 10. Many customization options: engraving of metals; custom residences; clothing; shops; with options that traders can setup shop anywhere as "pushcart" vendors, or requirements they must have a license and "brick and mortar" shop for the best access points. 11. Very good tracking program, so if you loose a connection you don't loose everything in your hands. 12. Better inventory list - that's divided as weapons/armor/gear/health items/, etc. Not just a list with a short name and database numbers, i.e., potionitem#22222.
4. Which graphics forbidden most?joshthedonkeyPorn. Especially if people will play from work, as it can be grounds of firing an employee (ironic, many do play on company time, but what they'll get fired over is violating HR policies, not that they spend an hour on the clock playing). For optimizing purposes, the graphics can't be as good as SP and shorter MP games. Lagbeast is a royal pain, and one to avoid at all costs, and graphics EAT I/O bandwidth!!!! Make the graphics special for static images (screens and such), while action models more plain. Optimization is the key, not trying to test a C2D system with SLI cards at everyone else's expense. Expect 800x600 monitor resolutions; expect P4 computers with 512MB of memory; and older videocards (under 128MB), too. Need to appeal to a broad base, not just the best expensive systems.
1: I would expect an RPG to have deep character costumisation and a deep gameplay as well. An engaging storyline, which keep the player guesing what will happen next.
2:I usually play games at home, sometimes cafes.
3:I would change the game by puting at least 8 character classes and a huge world,
4:I dont really care about graphics :)
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