I have instal dynasty warriors 6,but when i want to run game he sent me error.I tryed everything download some program to tell me does i have system for game,it was positive.I have pemtiom 4 1mb ram ati radeo 9600?how can i run game?
Ok sry I install the game then when instalation is over i run the game but the game wont start it appier on mu ecran error and i go dont send.I was download newest drivers and nothing again,the some cind of program the one guy givs me for the game show the game can run.I have pentium 4 1000mb of ram,ATI radeom 9600.But i thin i must by new comp and that will be let me think.............that will be about 7years.So i dont know what to do :'(
http://ati.amd.com/support/driver.HTML here is where to get the latest driver. It is 8.12. there is no 8.5 unless its a beta. You might try playing the game in compatibility mode. Right click on the executable file and select the compatibility tab. Then in the drop down menu pick windows xp, or me, or 98. You will just have to try each and see.
I tried all thet u told me,no hope but tnks for trayng to help me.IF SOMEONE HAVE ANY IDEA LET TOLD ME ON THIS POST OR SEND ME E-MAIL on tesla612@hotmail.com.TNKS:cry:
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