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What are your other specs? And rather get 8800 GT, better bang for buck.
You should be already able to play all PC games, so I wouldn't upgrade just yet, as long as you don't mind uglier visuals.
I think that you should go with PS3 and buy a new rig later.
I agree. But I would need to see the rest of your specs first.
On a side note, I would personally get a 360 over a PS3. Larger community, better games, etc.
[QUOTE="RK-Mara"]What are your other specs? And rather get 8800 GT, better bang for buck.
You should be already able to play all PC games, so I wouldn't upgrade just yet, as long as you don't mind uglier visuals.
I think that you should go with PS3 and buy a new rig later.
I agree. But I would need to see the rest of your specs first.
On a side note, I would personally get a 360 over a PS3. Larger community, better games, etc.
360 is overall better console than PS3, but not a good choice for PC gamer. You don't need two systems for same games.
[QUOTE="mrbojangles25"][QUOTE="RK-Mara"]What are your other specs? And rather get 8800 GT, better bang for buck.
You should be already able to play all PC games, so I wouldn't upgrade just yet, as long as you don't mind uglier visuals.
I think that you should go with PS3 and buy a new rig later.
I agree. But I would need to see the rest of your specs first.
On a side note, I would personally get a 360 over a PS3. Larger community, better games, etc.
360 is overall better console than PS3, but not a good choice for PC gamer. You don't need two systems for same games.
ah, didnt think about that. Reason number 41 of why I dont need to buy a 360 (but i still want one!).
Idunno, I missed out on PS! and 2, maybe PS3 would be a worthy buy. It seems much more inexpensive in the long run than 360 (it comes with blue ray, already has a wireless adapter that otherwise cost 100 for the 360) and it has different games.
Agree on the 8800 GT, great card IF you can get one. HD3850 has the best price/performance ratio out there, you might wanna consider that one too. With a little overclocking, you'll have a cheap and sick card in your rig.
When it comes to 360 vs PS3 it all comes down to exclusives. What games look more promising to you? Mass Effect is one HUGE reason to get a 360, God knows when it's coming out on PC, I know I couldn't wait that long... One other thing for me personally is Halo 3 multiplayer (the most social game I've played). I'll eventually buy a PS3 too, I'm just waiting for more games to come out. Right now the PS3-catalog is pathetic, multiplatform sports-games run smoother on the 360 and look sharper. The only reason to get a PS3 is BR and it's multimedia capabilities. I'm sure this will all change in the future as more and more high profile games start hitting the market.
you mean you have a 7600 lying around, unused? you should sell it on ebay or something and get a 8800gt - best card on the market currently (dollar for dollar). you can get it for $250 or even sometimes less. you can get crysis for $45. and you'll get around $100 for the 7600, so all together, the cost will be around $200 for the 8800gt and crysis. and then you can get a wii for $250. and you'll be only $100 over the less acceptable 8800gts + crysis - ps3 that you were looking at earlier. ;)
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