Hi everyone, I've been trying to remember a name of a first-person shooter that I saw a video of a while back, and I can't for the life of me remember the name of the game! I'm 80% sure it was a PC game, or at the very least I'm hoping it is...
All I know is that I watched a gameplay video of it here on gamespot, and a big feature in the game was that you could customize your weapons (colors, decals, and I think their specs/features in general). I've been looking all over the place for this game, because it seems like a cool idea, but I haven't been able to find any info on games with similar concepts.
I don't remember much on the premise of the game; in the video the character was shooting what looked like reddish-orange spirits or demons or something similar to that. The setting looked like a destroyed city of some sort (I know that doesn't help much, as there are quite a few post-apocalyptic FPS's out now). I vaguely remember something about colloecting souls in the game, but I could be easily getting that mixed up with something else.
I hope this is enough information to have someone know what I'm talking about :/ . At the very least, it would be great to know of some FPS's out there that have customizable weapons. I tried out Army of Two recently, and I liked the customization in it, but I would like to know of any games with more in-depth customization.
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