OK so I purchased a new PC. Here are the specs:
Core i7 920 1366 Socket
MSI X58 Pro-E MoBo
6 GB G-skill ram (ran memtest about 12 times)
Powersupply is 650 watt (had it checked and running good numbers)
Ati Radeon HD 5850 XFX 1GB
1.5 TB Sata HDD
Im running Windows XP 32-Bit for now.
Ive installed windows for the second time now, hoping it was a bad install but it is not.
The computer is bogging(very slow) for simple operation tasks, like clicking ok and then waiting 5 seconds for it to close a window, trying to do
simple things like open a browser window may be delayed for about 5-10 seconds. I am trying MSI live update online for latest drivers, but it freezes up everytime it gets to the searchmainboard driver version. Do you all think this is a driver issue? Im having horrible luck, I am downloading service pack 2 right now, hoping that the windows updates will help, but its been on "perform cleanup" for about 15 minutes now...
SOS please help.
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