So since the Hardware discussion forum is no longer under the main forums list, I am guessing it is gone (that and the sticky saying they are merging the PC & Mac discussion forum and the old hardware one?). If this is the wrong place to post you can move this if you want.
So here's my dilemma. I am a college student with a laptop that is slowly starting to die (at least it seems like it). I figured if I get a chromebook as a replacement, I would only use it until I could save up enough and get a windows computer (then not use it much after, kind of making it a wasted purchase?), and getting a new laptop would mean I would likely have to go by price instead of looking for a quality product. Thus this has taken me to the desktop computer.
My budget is around $600, I can go over if I need to, but I would prefer not to. Is it possible to get some good parts that would provide me with a couple years of service, and then have the option to upgrade some when I do have a little more money, with my $600 budget? I'm not afraid to build my own computer (though I have never done it before) if it is cheaper than a pre-built version.
I already have mouse/keyboard (as long as I can use Bluetooth) and a monitor, so I wouldn't have to worry about that.
I was looking on Dell's website because they always have some deals going, and they have some pretty cheap/decent desktops that come with windows, are these upgradable?
Thanks for any and all feedback!
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