I am unsure if this is even the right spot to post this or if I should even be posting here in the first place, but maybe one of you guys can help me out. I recently ran into a problem with my main computer. It was running fine the other day when all the sudden out of the blue what seemed to be a power outage happened. At first thats what I thought, so in a hurry I unpluged my computer before the power returned so that a surge wouldnt blow it up as the power came back. Then I looked around to see power was on in the rest of the house.I quickly went to the fuse box and it turned out the breaker had triped. I flicked the switch and turned it back on.
Returend to my computer pluged it in. Went to switch it on and it happened again. The breaker triped. Now I began doing trouble shooting at this point. The wiring is quite old in this house, as is the breaker the plug that my computer was plugged into. I unpluged varius things and fliped the switch and pluged only my computer in. Went to switch it on and it happened again the breaker triped. I have not tried plugging in else where in the house to see if it happens to other breakers because 1. Im not sure that would be wise. And 2. This house again is quite old and theres not many other grounded plugs.
From what I said. Does anyone think its a electrical problem or a problem with the power supply in the computer itself and I should go about replacing it.
Thanks in advanced.
Edit: Just to add, Once my computer was unpluged and everything. Other things plugged in the same outlet are working fine including a computer that has smaller power supply then the computer I am having problems with. [The one im having problems with has a 1100Watt PSU compared to the one I am on now that has a 650WATT PSU]
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