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1. This is a PC SOFTWARE forum, no hardware coverage here. You need new eyewear, if you didn't see all the warnings about that.
2. Check the Gamespot "Tech" articles for several shopping support articles to read.
3. If you cintinue to remain confused in spite of that study, there is a GameSpot PC Hardware Forum to use.
Looking for a new card, but there are so many I'm lost! Looking for something at about the $250-$400 price range. Prefer Nvidia. Thanks for any help you may offer!mAAAbs
nvidia-Low= 8600 gt - Medium=8800 GTS 320 High= 8800 GTS 640
the 8800 GTS 320mbwill perform fine, but you dont want it if you have a big Resolution Monitor
The 8800 GTS 640 will last a long time, though if you have a low res monitor (1280 by 1024 resolution or down) dont bother not much of a change right now, but future- probably.
the 8600 gt is good because its the easiest instalation but it is the slowest and only has 256 mb graphics. it also tends to get hot
those are your 3 best choices
you could get an ATI but they are so poorly optimised for somegames.
it's mostly because nvidia pays game companys to make theyre game for nvidias cards.
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