Here it is!! The thread that will end all FC2 discussion!
Please stop talking about FC2, its really quite annoying. So, in this thread I will answer all your questions.
1. No, it's not better than Crysis, but then again, Crysis isn't really that similar to this game as Crysis was futuristic and Far Cry 2 is modern.
2. The enemy encampments do respawn aggravatingly fast. We ALL hope a mod comes soon.
3. Get this game if you need every FPS, or just like FPS games. It's really not a terrible game.
4. Yes the multiplayer system is ****ed. We ALL know that. They'll patch it hopefully.
5. The fire graphics are NOT as good as they were hyped to be. However they still are very nice looking.
6. This game is NOT Far Cry 1. It has nothing to do with it and therefore cannot be compared with it.
7. No, no one wants another Far Cry 2 Thread!!!!
Okay there you go, if you really have to ask a question, at least ask it in this thread and stop wasting bandwidth!
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