Right now I am subscribing to a DSL service with 3 mbps of download speed and 768 kbps of upload speed. The service is okay but I may switch to cable in September that will have 10 mbps of download speed and 1 mbps of upload speed. The question I have is alot of the computers in the house use wireless-G. Will the increase of the bandwidth allow all the computer to benefit from the cable package and increased speed or does the router and wireless cards keep them from having a increase of performance. The router I use is your typical linksys(WRT54GS) the one with a speedbooster it works well no complaints. I am not experienced too much about high-speed internet and would appreciate if anyone can answer my question. Here is the address to the router I am using http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833124136
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