South Africa and here we are limited to internet, depending on what package one gets.
I just dont understand why one has to basically download the whole freakin game when ive bought it allready or did i pay a crap load of money for the nice orange box and printing matter on it. Also the non working steam exe files???
If i bought the game online then sure i can see why on has to download it but geez, i thought i bought it on a dvd in a box.
[QUOTE="wurn"] First up thx for reply. My problem is not the HL2 part, but getting steam to install. Ive gone to the website to download latest one but no luck.
How much meg's is the HL2 download itself. MY internet at home is capped to 1gig a month?
[QUOTE="Rickylee"]Sorry to hear your having a problem. Did your try to download Steam from Steam direct? I just installed the Orange Box not long ago and that's what I did. Then I downloaded CS.S and HL2 from my existing account and then installed the rest from disk. I had no problems and use the same OS.Rickylee
I'm sure it's more then a gig, don't know exactly how much though. I'm still not clear why your having an issue with Steam. Is it a new install? And sorry to hear about your limited internet. Where do you live?
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