So I got a gamepad today, and I tried to play Dead Space 2 with it. Guess what. I got my ass owned by those ugly aliens.
How can people really use these things??
Any tips to improve my gamepad skills?
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It's whatever you're used to for example i rather would rather drive standard than automatic because I like the feel of being in control. Gamepads work the same way someone might rather want to move there thumb a button rather than sliding there finger to hit a key (ease of use is key). Both have advantages and disadvantages and whatever you find more comfortable should be your choice.
Like many things, it just takes some practice bud. I know its frustrating. When I first used a gamepad to play a shooter (resistance 1 on the PS3 years ago), i thought it was the most frustrating experience ever, but now its not so bad. We are just spoiled with KB+M with easy to use accurate controls.
Just give it some time, you need play more than 5min to get used to it. Like 3-4hrs or more and you do fine.
Dead space 1 had wacky mouse sensitivity you really felt it was made for game-pad. If Dead space 2 is the same i will play it with my 360pad for sure.
nope, but as you play you'll get used to it; it's like asking how can people play FPSs on Wii - of course I sucked while playing Modern Warfare for the 1st time, but then I said heh f*ck it; I've got it on the PC, nothing comes close to a keyboad+mice when it's about gamingSo I got a gamepad today, and I tried to play Dead Space 2 with it. Guess what. I got my ass owned by those ugly aliens.
How can people really use these things??
Any tips to improve my gamepad skills?
It's a matter of comfort for me. Since I have my PC hooked up to my TV, I will gladly sacrifice the precision of mouse/keyboard for the ability to relax in bed with my X360 controller.
I also prefer analog sticks, the ability to walk slowly and get the most out of the environments in games (mainly atmospheric ones) does a whole lot for the immersion.
Many people wonder why you'd use a controller for playing shooters on your PC, "Why not just get a console instead?" is a common question. Just because I like to use a controller doesn't mean I prefer console gaming. The way I see it, that's one of the pros with PC gaming, you get the prettiest games and you get to choose whether you want to use kb/m, controller, flight sticks, you name it. I want to be able to play my games at 1080p+ with little to no jaggies and a solid framerate, while using a controller, or at least having the option to do so. I can't do that with a console.
Naturally, there are many more reasons I would never trade PC gaming for the console equivalent, but those are relevant to the topic at hand.
Gamepads don't allow the accuracy that KB+M do for shooters. However - racing games, platformers, fighting games and sports games work better with a good gamepad
I can't play with a mouse and keyboard anything other than FPS's, mmo's,strategy's and adventure games.
I need the mouse for fast aiming, but I use a G13 instead of a keyboard so my thumb controls movement and my fingers are freed up for weapon control and other functions--for example, one finger is always on the knifing button ready to stab.
I typically prefer gamepads for third person shooters, or platforming games. Platforming games just don't feel right on a keyboard. :?
I much prefer using a gamepad wen i'm playing Action-Adventure games such as Prince of Persia, or hack 'n slash such as DMC3. But wen it comes to TPS, such as Max Payne for example, using a gamepad makes the game unplayable. Why try to frustratingly accomodate myself to something, if i have a alternative?
All in all, i use both gamepads for what i prefer, and kb/m for what i prefer.
When I first started using a gamepad I was like "this thing is terrible I want my m and KB". It just takes practice and after awhile you get good with it.
First person shooters are always better with a mouse and keyboard.
A gamepad is for platformers, racing games, etc.
How can people really use these things??
This is what the developer of "Monday Night Combat" had to say about the differences between Mouse and Keyboard :-
It all comes down to how each input mechanism affects your ability to turn. On a console, the angle in which a player can turn is a function of both time and displacement of the thumb stick. No matter how far players want to turn, they have to pay a time cost. Even at the highest controller sensitivity, there is a time cost to be paid. On a PC the angle of turn is a direct mapping of how far you move the mouse. The time cost is variable and the better players get that time cost to approach zero.
Now, on consoles we use an array of aim helping mechanisms all in an attempt to help with this time cost. View acceleration allows that time cost to not be linear from distance the thumb stick is moved. It's an attempt to guess that if players jam their thumb stick to one side and hold it they want to spin quickly, but if they slam it to one side and release they want to make a fast minor adjustment. So at the beginning of the time cost the rate of turn is slower and it speeds up exponentially, to a cap, as time goes by.developer
source :-
At the end of the day all controllers have their place, I would never dream of playing a beat em up or a platformer with a mouse and keyboard just like I would never dream of playing a game that involves shooting (either tps or fps) with anything other than a mouse and keyboard. Thankfully the games I enjoy excell with the mouse and keyboard which is why I am primarily a mouse and keyboard gamer. Joypads have their place, just like a steering wheel has it's place and a flightstick has it's place.
Dead Space 2 was built with the gamepad in mind. I find the M+K slower for Dead Space 2.
I don't believe you.
This all the way. I use both, gamepads when the game doesn't feel right using M/K, M/K when the game is too hard for gamepads(shooters).Gamepads are better for certain types of games.
Shooters are not one of those types of games.
Gamepads are better for certain types of games.
Shooters are not one of those types of games.
i played dead space 1 on PC with a xbox controller and loved it. just crank up the sensitivity. admitidly i had to use the mouse for the turret sequence because the stick was to slow. i just didnt like the K/M for slow corridor stomping
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