[QUOTE="jtschmitz"]From personal experience I can tell you knowing computers is not enough. You need to know business as well. It is very important to know all of the laws that pertain to how you want to run your business the way you want. You need a business license, you need to figure out what kind of business you want to run (sole proprietor ship, LLC, etc...) you need to be able to design a website even if you don't plan to sell on line. How much experience coding do you have? From my own personal experience I can tell you that running a computer business is less about knowing computers, and more about knowing business. My advice would be to read a lot about running a online business first... Oh and give it time my relatively new business (less than 8 months) is just now starting to get rolling.UltimateGamer95
You are wrong there because You need to know a lot about computers to run a computer business otherwise you have no knowledge or experience to stand behind. What's you're current job?
What are your past experiences in jobs that would help you run your own business?
What are your main goals (aside from wanting to make extra cash)?
How much time do you have to put into this new venture?
How much money do you need to start this up?
Is there extra cost in overhead once you start this business?
Will you need to build a website? Can you design your own or will you have to pay someone?
Will you need to purchase new tools? New phone plan? 800 number?
What kind of experience can you offer potential customers?
Are you good at talking with people? Are you good at listening (by listening I mean, understanding what customers want)?
What will it cost to run ad space in local papers? I know a guy that lives in the same suburb as I do in the Twin Cities and in the local paper (he started doing this about 2 years ago when things slowed down) for the city we live in he rents out a quarter page ad that runs every other week with the paper. He said a lot of his work (flooring installation/repair/heating & air condition/electrical type jobs) for repair jobs has more then doubled. Which is good since work for new construction has more than halved in the past few years. He said the cost is fairly cheap and the return in work more then makes up for it.
What kind of payments will you accept (cash, check, credit card)?
What kind of working hours will you be able to provide to your customers?
How will you keep track of business transactions? How will you process refunds?
This is just a small step in the direction of running a business....aside from what jtschmitz said about needing a business liscense and so on. You could be the smartest computer guy in the world, but if you're understanding of how a business works and needs to be ran is less then what Rainman (Dustin Hoffman from the movie "Rainman") knows, you're business will fail.
A lot of those questions are ones that I would like to ask the owner's sons that were brought in to run the business that I work for....those talentless retards don't understand a damn thing when it comes to running a business - they just look at numbers. They're anti-social, they look down on their employees like they're dirt, they don't know how the business runs, they don't know how to do anything in the business.... The only thing they're really good at is yelling at people when they don't understand how something works or why it works they way it does. Now I'm off topic here...
Now if you just want to build computers on the side and try your hand at selling them via ebay or some such.....it probably won't net you very much in return, but it won't be as big of a hassle as trying to start up a business.
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