I just saw Heat. You know the movie with Robert De'niro, Al Pacino and Val kilmer where, al plays a cop hunting for this gang og pro theifs (Robert de'niro, Val kilmer)
Yeah, most of us have seen it, KICKASS movie! and to those who havent seen it, go see it! So yeah the bank robbery scene where they fight off the cops to get away. Dont you just wanna be there!?! I DO! but i dont wanna get shot or die or nothing.
AND thats where games come in!
Soooo i tried Kane & lynch: dead men, (SUX BIGTIME) and in that game there is a level wich resembels the movie scene i mentioned earlier. Yeah, it was kinda cool playing that level, even though the gameplay really really brings the excitement down. but yeah i thought it was cool, and it made me watch the movie again, but hey, me like lots of other gamers was really looking forward to Kane & Lynch. And it dissapointed. That really made me sad. The last time they made a game with that sort of gameplay it was called Freedom Fighters, Now Freedom Fighters was lots of fun, i enjoyed it allot, and i still play it when i want to blast soviet invaders (No im not american and i dont hate ruskies, i love em, good vodka allways comes from russia) and its a funny great game. Now Kane & Lynch resembeles Freedom fighters, but it kinda lacks some of it. But im not going to rant about Kane & lynch or make a review of Freedom fighters, im gonna (try to) start a movement (riot) agains big companies that make sucky games, yeah, its right, and its wrong that people gets fired for bad reviews of games that suck (freedom of speech anyone)
Now i encourage everyone to read Gamespots review's of games before they buy, and never ever buy anything that gets under 5.
This (should) make big companies not make money unless they make a good game. Easy math! and hopefully give us gamers more good games to play.
But lets not forget that we need to tell them what we want. Allot of developers in interviews talk about what THEY want to make of a game, yeah, thats good, then they will be more engaged in the making but dont you think they would like if all the gamers out there said: here, here is what we want, so im gonna start something i want to become a trend, im gonna tell tell developers what i want.
Here it is, As mentioned earlier, Heat is pretty **** cool. Make a game that resembles Heat. do not make "Heat: The game" that would probably suck, and everyone knows it. I want, Kane & Lynch Storyline, with Metal Gear Solid Graphics and Call of Duty 4 gameplay. Wouldnt that be sweet? I mean, i would be happy if i could get a Level on Cod 4 that was the Bank robbery scene.
Buuuut i would prefer it to be a 3rd person view and a cover mechanic à la Gears of warRainbow Six Vegas.
Yeah, mentioning Rainbow six vegas, dont you love that game!?! when i first tried it, it was insane! it was everything i wanted, it couldnt wait to play it online or at LAN. i did and it really screwd upp the experience. Yeah laggy, glithcy, kinda unrealistic at times, didnt like it too much, the singleplayer experience is still gold though. Love the blindfireing mechanic and the Cover mechanic.
But the thing is i miss a real cop game, True crime didnt cut it, to funny and light harted, max payne became all about the slow mo stuff, not realism. Not enough of the stuff you got when playing as DC carter in the getaway But anyways, you all agree? make more Posts, and please refer to this post if you want.
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