company of heroes is a bad rts to train with - the AI is awesome and it takes a lot of work to keep control of the map, even on easy
but generally to getgood at rts games i'd recommend:
1; learn all the armies and their units, what the units do and how they should be used - a lot of rts games have specific units that are vulnerable to specific damage (say, a tank will take damage from explosives but not gunfire, so using riflemen to shoot at a tank is stupid, but lobbing a stickbomb will put it down fast) - learn the units, learn their counters
2. learn the maps - even if you gotta play on the same map over and over and over (this is actually recommended when you're low skill) - if you just know where the best places on the map to defend are, where the enemy is and where he'll come from, where the resources are, you immediately have an advantage over yourself if you didn't know the maps
3. the build queue is important, early on in the game you usually have to do specific things in a specific order (like, say, build a barracks, then 2 infantry units then a builder then a utility building - in that order every time), the best way is to just save a replay and watch what the AI does, if you can copy the ai for the first minute or two, you're atuomatically as good as they are for at least 2 minutes
4. be quick - never sit around wasting time, get your buildings out fast, scout fast, secure resources fast - you should never be sitting around watching in rts games
5. learn to micromanage, company of heroes is a fine example of a micromanagement heavy game - you gotta teep tabs on morale, use special abilities, keep your guys behind cover, put the right units on the right units, use your own special abilities - in coh, if you simply grab an army and send it into attack, it'll likely be obliterated - you gotta use your units, order them around, command their every action (that's another reason coh is hard to learn, micro is a challenge until you're already good with the foundation)
6. be expansive - don't turtle in your base, you gotta get out there, use expendable units or specialist scout units to scout the map, if you know where your enemy is attacking from, you can move out to meet him on your terms, and the more of the map you hold, the more resources you hold - and the more of the map you can see, the better you can judge your enemy's overall movements
if you can do all of these, you're already a good player... i've put them in order of (what i feel is) importance, so focus on 1, 2 and 3 first and you'll notice a significant skill increase straight away
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