i forgot to add i also tested in video encoding and edition, couldn't find any performance boost, at least on my pc. There may be some, but so far i don't see any strong reason for the common user to upgrade
I meant areas like social networking, casual home stuff, work stuff, touch and tablet and mobile improvements, faster boot, faster shutdown, instant restore, syncing of documents and settings across devices, skydrive, outlook.com etc etc etc. I don't see any strong reason for the GAMING user to upgrade, the common user there are heaps of reasons.My answers in red:
a. social networking? really is it so hard to log in facebook or install any plugin in any brower that you need it integrated on the os?
You don't understand this one probably because you haven't used Live Tiles before, or aren't into Social Networking like Facebook. I've been using the Windows Phone 7 for 2 years and the live Tiles work great for FB Updates, Friend Updates, Feeds, News etc. Once you get the hand of Tiles, you barely log into the Webpage anymore.
b. whats casual home and work stuff? i've programmed fine in windows 7 and even better on linux, me not get this point, whats the other "home stuff"? office?:lol:
Look at the Windows 8 commercials with people at home and work and u'll see what I mean.
c. touch and tablet? well maybe thats the only reason, even though i had a touch laptop and windows 7 worked great in it, but for the sake of argument, let's just say its easier. Windows 7 worked heaps better than XP on touch/tablet, but Windows 8 takes it to a new level. Have a look at Office 2013 using touch for example.
d. instant restore, hmm, well i never used system restore but there could be some people that find use for this. Instant Restore isn't the same as System Restore.
e. sync of documents and devices is already in windows 7 and there are many programs that do it, and outlook works perfect in windows 7 so? "Many programs that do that", this is FULL integration, there is a difference. Anyone can sync documents, but documents, skydrive and settings across multiple OS and devices? Good luck with that. Windows 8 is about integration, no need to download, install and configure third party software. And Outlook works perfect in Win7? Yeah, who said it didn't?
THATS your heaps of reasons?:lol: well i guess we both can't see eye to eye, they look useless gimmicks to me. "they look useless gimmick to ME" There's the key word, to YOU. I find programming useless myself, but that doesn't mean other people (like yourself) do as well. What might seem like a useless gimmick to you might increase productivity for others, or make things easier.
I've said this a hundred times on these forums already, people need to stop thinking MS only makes Operating Systems for Gamers and people with IT Knowledge.
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