Hello. Sorry if I say some things wrong or if this is the wrong section for this topic. I have mostly been posting in Vita threads and I have not gotten very technical with my computer for awhile.
Since it is the Steam Summer sale, I have gotten ten games so far and there are still seven days left. Sadly, my 500gb hard drive is almost completely full, and I cannot download the games. I recently bought two 2TB hard drives and plan to install them soon. I am not sure if I want to mirror them and stick with a total 2.5TB, or raid them for 4.5TB. What do you think? My biggest concerns are if the hard drives will crash, and how many games I can install. I did the math and found that all of my games put together is about 700gb (Steam and retail). Quite a few of these games are from when I was younger, or they don't work with Windows 7 and I will probably never install them, but it will still be in the 600s for sure. I am wondering how many more games I will be able to install after I put the hard drives in with 2.5TB and 4TB. I have 96 games on Steam right now, but will always be getting more.
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
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