I'm sorry, but this whole argument just reeks of mindless fanboy nonsense. Games on all platforms have been getting shorter and less complex over the years as a result of the growing number of casual gamers. Most folks just don't want to sit down and spend 20-25 hours completing a game, or spend an hour walking around talking to NPCs. Developers and publishers know this, and so they tend to create games that are more easily accessible and less daunting for someone who may just want to sit down and blast through a few levels before heading to class. Since all of you experts have been die-hard PC gamers for so long, you probably know that the industry started as a niche, with a fairly small assortment of average-joe developers cranking out games in their living rooms. These were people who were truly dedicated to the craft and genuinely wanted to make the best games they possibly could. Well, the good news is that you don't have to mourn the loss of these artisans because they're still around. John Carmack, Richard Garriott, Peter Molyneux, Warren Spector, Tim Sweeney, Ken Levine... Yes, the industry is still in good hands. And while you've all been so busy complaining about the state of things, you've probably missed the fact that there are hundreds of independent developers who are doing the same thing that today's major eggheads twenty did years ago, and with the same passion. These days, we call these developers "independent", meaning that they've yet to have their works published, but they are still producing quality work. Furthermore, because the PC gaming industry continues to grow, there are actually a lot more of them around today than ever. So before any of you get up on that soapbox and proclaim that your precious platform is somehow falling victim to the success of its competitors -- which is still just the way any market works, and is actually good for consumers because it drives down prices -- I recommend you take a good look at what's actually going on in the industry (I call it reality) and do your homework. And if you want to see longer games with more depth become more prevalent on PC, put your money where your mouth is; get yourself a PayPal account and start supporting some of these independent developers. Stop whining until you've actually examined all the facts.
Thats a very good argument and I think I see what youre getting at, though I see a few problems.
If anything, PC gaming will get more expensive. As more and more consoles eventually get Blueray tech, publishers are not going to want to have to make CDs and DVDs for PC gamers, and Blurays for console gamers...theyre going to want to streamline. So theyre gonna start charging us 60-70 dollars for games...and thats IF they even bother to put the games out for PC (and why would they since no one wants to shell out 500 dollars for a blue ray drive?). Not to mention that, for all 99% of the PC gaming market cares, there is only ONE operating system and if microsoft takes a clue from their sales they will release new OSs every two years with features we HAVE to have in order to play games.
Second, those guys you listed above, theyre getting pretty old. You are correct to say that they have done a lot for the PC gaming community, but they have to retire sometime and since theyre in their 40s or so that isnt too far off...not to mention theyre problably loaded with cash and will either retire early or will just work as "consultants" with minimum input on gaming development.
Where does that leave us? It leaves us with the young bucks, the flashy guys that can present the best tech demos to the richest publishers (who, coincendentally, are rich due to console sales). They wont develop games for the "love of the game" like the old guard does, they do it for the fame and the money. Just imagine John Romero (lead creator of Daikatana)multiplied by 1000 and you might see the potential of a dire future.
And it just so happens that these are the people that obtain the licenses to the games we truly cherish. Do you really expect PC gamers to just keep our mouths closed as every single decent PC game we play gets a sequal that is neutered, mutated, and dumbed down for the sake of a multiplatform release? I dont want to sound overly dramatic, but its almost as if we are rasing this child and then all of a sudden Big Brother comes in and kidnaps him, turning him into a mindless drone to serve the masses.
I agree with you on the independent studios, and they (along with digital distribution programs) are the key to the future, but the consumers can only do so much to find these games. We cant go to our local stores and find these on the shelves, nor can we search online for them since we dont know what to look for. They are the key to the future, but until they start developing titles that actually appeal to people (different for the sake of being different doesnt mean fun) its gonna be really tough for them to get noticed. So far Ive played only two (to my knowledge) independent games, and they were Defcon and Darwinia. And, as bad as it sounds and as enjoyable as those independent games might be, PC gamers should not have to settle for them.
As a PC gamer, I increasingly feel like the black sheep of the family concerning multiplatform releases. I sit down with my Mom and Dad (publisher and developer) and my older Sister (console), and they only feed me out of obligation. They dont really care about my sense of tastes, what Ive done in the past...they just throw me a bone. And as I sit there, I listen to them talking about everything and how great my Sister is and how theyre gonna buy her everything. Maybe I'll go goth and start listening to underground music....
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