Hey guys Im going to school next year and I decided to invest in a decent laptop. My budget is about $2200 and i want to know what i should get in my computer. Should I get a mac or a PC. I do a lot of gaming on my laptop I mainly use it for work and a lot of video editing. I would like to be able to have a blu-ray drive and a hi def monitor. So please help me out!
gaming = windows So i dont advice you to get a mac. But for video editing and work (depending which work) macs are highly recommended (i've never used one). However for 2200 you can get a really decent laptop, even a laptop and a desktop computer... So to recap, are you sure you want to buy a laptop for gaming? remember that upgrading laptops is difficult, and heat is disturbing. Are you sure you want to get a mac? remember that very few (important) games work with mac!!
You'll probably be better off with a netbook and a desktop. You get more portability and more performance on a larger screen. Oh and a blu-ray drive is pretty much pointless on a laptop unless you're bringing a large HDTV with you.
I'd go for an m11x and get a desktop with high upgrade potential (Nice mobo, big PSU, but not necessarily a super-powerful GPU or CPU). The m11x will be good for class and portability (while doing some "studying" on Bad company 2), while the desktop can be good for heavy gaming and upgradability. Even if you spend $1000 or so on the m11x, that still leaves you a great budget for the desktop. Or get a mac, and sit and stare at the pretty aluminum case. Whatever you think is more fun.
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