I was thinking on making a book to explain how to correctly use a keyboard and mouse to game with. I'm just tired of explaining what keyboard turning is and why it's terrible. Why clicking all your abilities in MMOs is setting you up for failure. I plan on charging a few bucks for it to cover the cost to print it as well as hiring someone to professionally proof read it.
I remember being lost when I came to pc gaming from console gaming years ago. I just had no idea how to game using a keyboard and mouse as controls. It took me years to really figure out the best way to do it. Hell, I'm still learning better ways to bind my keys today. There are some people like Taugrim that try to explain it but, it's not easy to find. I want to make some thing that is easily accessible and easy to find. I also want to have a lot of illustrations and video to show exactly why certain actions are useful while others are just terrible.
I came up with this idea after finding it really difficult to find people to add to my guild's pvp team. Everyone I talked to in game would tell me how awesome they are at pvp. When I ask them a simple question like do you use strafing? They have no idea what I'm talking about.
I believe the quality of pvp in games would be much higher if people just had a basic understanding of what to do and what not to do.
I would love for people here to give input on what they would like added to the book. That just no one explains or shows. I really want to hit on as many topics as I can in this book to get everyone up and performing at a high level even if they just started pc gaming.
That way pvp guild's won't need to answer the same questions over and over again. My goal with the book is to improve the level of pvp gaming. To hopefully give new and old players alike a level playing field.
Some of the topics I want to go over:
1. wasd controls and esdf controls.
2. Keyboard turning
3. Strafing
4. Taugrim's: w and r with mouse for forward
5. Binding keys and grouping them
6. macros
7. Turning with the mouse
8. Hand and finger locations/positioning
9. Positioning the camera
10. Video and illustration examples
11. Tactics for MMO play styles (range, melee, tank and healer)
12. Depending on how much it will cost I would also love to be able to program a short demo on how to use the tactics above. I probably won't be able to get enough cash to fund that though as I'm not a programmer.
I also want to touch on just general attitude when it comes to team play. Like quitting after one loss or blaming everyone else on the team after a loss.
Let me know what you guys think and what you would like added. Also, what you think would be fair value for such a book.
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