since it looked like the only way that could fix or redo my damaged/messed up/screwed registry was to reinstall the OS. now the current issue isnt that i dont have my win7 64 bit disk but that i dont know a very safe way to keep my beloved memory kept. Now you will probably just say that i can back it up using external drives right? well im kinda broke,ive already spent my every last penny on buying coolermaster v8 CPU cooler and 900 wats corsair power supply on my birthday. so is there anyways to backup exept buying a capacited external drive that ill probably you just once? Just so you know i got 2 drives installed in my rigg,one is capable of holding 148gb (the one where i got my OS installed [although still not sure] and the other 931gb.
I hope my info is usefull for you guys finnaly understand my issues and help me to end this registry boostert crap that been pulled out of the arse once and for all!
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