How's C&C 3 multiplayer? For those of you who can play online, how is it, is anybody cheating? is it laggy? EA said that majority of the people who bought the game can play the game without any problems. ONLY THE PEOPLE WHO ARE ABLE TO PLAY C&C 3 ONLINE, ANSWER IT.
I'm able to, although I haven't yet, does that count? :) I have looked at it and stuff, but I haven't actually played yet, because RTS games aren't my strongpoint. I love them, but I have to turtle my butt off to even have a chance of winning. :p
From what I hear Gamespy has done it agian and screwed over multiplayer. Even in games such as WH40k that people considered acceptable lag wise garentees that at least one person drops in a 3v3 or 4v4...
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