Alright , I bought my 1950XT not too long ago , and I'm having a huge problem.
Well , when I start a game , everything runs normaly and smooth. But then , after about 5 minutes the FPS goes down from like 30~ (Lost Planet Demo DX9) to like 5-11 and stays like that. If I'm lucky , it comes back to normal after few seconds but , if I'm not lucky - the PC just stop , and everything is stuck (reset is required). Well , that's with the 7.8 and 7.7 Drivers. Well , than I deleted the drivers from my PC and installed the drivers that I got in the disk (with 1950XT). Well , I turn on (again) Lost Planet Demo and playing it , then , after 10 minutes the FPS falls to about 5-11 and then I exit the game.
Well , the same problem occured to me in the next games (7.7 and 7.8 Catalyst): Neverwinter Nights 2 , Lineage 2 , Tabula Rasa , Dungeon Runners , Lost Planet.
Though the problem doesn't happen in Enemy Territory Wolfenstein and Enemy Territory Quake Wars.
I dunno what to do , I'm really annoyed and want to fix the problem as fast as possible.
Thank you very much , Crembo.
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