[QUOTE="ElectricNZ"][QUOTE="BlackAlpha666"][QUOTE="VRN-KingS-"] Correct -
Clan : Team of people upon which they perform competitively, or with competition in Mind.
Community: Group of people in which they operate a server, or wish to share an Affiliation with each other. Primarily Non Competitive.
Umm... No. A clan is not always about competition. A clan could consist out of people that do not care about competition and just play purely for fun and never competitively.
A clan is simply a group of people that play together and share the same interest. Different clans have different rules, ideas and goals. There are many different clans. Saying that all clans are the same is like saying that all people are the same. Everyone is different and everyone has a different way of doing things.
Ummm no.
Your idea of people that play together and share the same interest sounds like the idea of a guild in a MMO.
Clans in fps games are primarily founded for the sole purpose of competing against other clans.
So people that play together and share the same interest, that's a MMO guild. Then what do you call a group of people that play together and share the same interest and play FPS games but don't play competetive against other clans? What about clans that play RPG games? Flight sims? RTS? Racing? And what's the difference between all of those?
No matter how you call it, it all has the same meaning. The only reason why you would use different names is to roleplay, even if just a tiny bit. Yes, this roleplaying even happends in FPS games. In which clans are often called uniforms.
By the way, I've been in atleast 2 clans that played FPS games not competitively against other clans but just for fun. Sometimes together with random people, sometimes against them and sometimes alone with other clan members. So that pretty much destroys your whole "FPS-clans-only-play-competitively theory".
No, then it means your clans weren't real clans.
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