Its reportedly on Chinese website some Chinese senior WOW players can get one million RMB every year on WOW. Usually they are headers of a guilds and they and their guilds have the different ways like selling golds and equipments. Then even can control in-game economy and monopolize market in order to get more profits. Or they can take advantage of their skills and large number of members to kill the boss first to gain high-class equipments. Its so unbelievable.
What in the world are they doing with one million right mouse buttons?
On a serious note though, it's called dedication. Making money off of the game is essentially their job and trust me, it's not a small amount of time they spend on the game to achieve this.Â
Chinese who make money off WOW dont actually play. They steal.
Most of them use keyloggers and malware to gain access to peoples peoples accounts, log in, change the password, rob all of the gold and leave. Then they sell the gold on their website. Most of them just create free accounts to log into the game to spam trade channels with their gold selling website.
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