The labs were the most tense parts for me.
I didn't run into being scared at night in the game because I first played the game unpatched, and the nights were really bright, so when I played modded version I already knew the level by the back of my hand.
I'm not that terribly far, but it's not very scary yet. Does it get scarier?
It's really difficult though, especially before I figured out anything but head shots was a waste of ammo.
Depends how far you are... Some people blow through to the Wild Territory in a few hours, whereas others take hours to get out of Cordon (Neither is necessarily to do with having difficulty... Just the pace you play it)
Body shots can be fine... It's just that at the beginning, pistols (and sawn-off shotguns at any range) don't go through the light armour of enemies.
Once you get the first assault rifles (AK-74, AK-74u) you can get pretty effective body shots against bandits, but when you run into the military you should probably have some trouble penetrating their armour again.
I usually avoid body shots anyway though... If the enemy flinches from one you have a bit to aim though...
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