Sorry for talking about such an old game. But I am massively disappointed in it compared to the Infinity Engine games like Baldur's Gate etc.
Wtf happened?
Going to 3D means it has uglier graphics than the lovely 2D games, and the camera controls really bugged me too. I can either have a chase cam that swings about like a psycho, making me feel ill, or I can manually adjust it which is a constant annoyance imo.
I can only control one character instead of a whole party, so less tactical gameplay, less party interactions, less interesting backstories, less classes/spells/equipment/items to customise... And the gameplay basically boils down to watching one dude smacking at other dudes...
I found the "wheel" system kinda lame to use also, not too bad but not as simple as the icons of Baldur's Gate.
And this one is definatly personal preference but I hate that I'm trapped in a city, forced to try and find a cure to a disaease. I created a filthy dwarf mercenary, I wanted to wander the world making money and finding treasure, not hemmed into some city being a hero! Plus the city is mainly places to fight, few enough people and shops and whatnot, compared to Athkatla in BG2.
To be fair I only played the game for ~3 hours so it probably does get much better. But to go from the sheer genius that is Baldur's Gate to this... mess... is shockingly disappointing :(
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