check and see if you have a bios update available for your system. that may help. i remember on my old desktop i had the same kind of problem (back then i was running xp). it would blue screen or crash or radomly restart on a lot of the games i played or half way through a game. it pissed me the hell off. one day i decided to switch out the RAM for faster and better RAM that was a different brand and voila the problem was gone.
now here's the kicker...i randomly checked for a bios update and it turns out the bios version i had was a version or two below the most recent one. i checked the revision history on what all it fixes, and it fixed a problem with a specific memory module, and guess what? i just so happened to have that very same brand and type of RAM (right down to the model number/serial number or whatever). i was shocked! i did the bios update, stuck the old RAM in for the hell of it and again no more issues.
having said all that, if you don't have a bios update available or are running the most recent version, it's definitely got to do with video card drivers. try upgrading to a more recent version, or possibly even downgrading to a previous version. newer isn't always better when it comes to video drivers.
hope this helps you out man. i know how frustrating it is when all you want to do is play a game in peace and enjoy it but you have bs like vista or something or the other messing up your thing. i guess this is why people like 'us' end up getting a console and play games on them. weird how the world works sometimes.
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