[QUOTE="Skullheart"]It will look fine on DX9...don't stress. I'm playing Bioshock on DX9 max settings, and I've seen HD quality videos of Bioshock being played on DX10. I see no significant difference that would influence me to purchase Windows Vista, along with a whole new gaming rig that is required to fully play it.cevic
Bioshock and Crysis are different games, they use different engine. Bioshock will not show huge differences between dx9 and dx10 since it's created based on dx9 and adding some features to dx10. Crysis will show huge differences between dx9 and dx10 since it's created based on dx10 and optimize to dx9. Bioshock definitely dx9 port and Crysis definitely dx10 port. Time will tell us soon...
There's no real significant difference to make me, and a good 60-70% of gamers worldwide, to switch to Vista. You know what I think of when I think of Windows Vista? I think of the first manufactured units of Xbox 360's. Unstable, unreliable and bugged. They're just now starting to actually fix them. I think they'll eventually fix Vista too, but unless that happens and/or more games start becoming Vista-only, will I go out and purchase it, along with a whole new damn computer rig.
Looks like you will die soon then.
In all honesty, the dx9 crysis still looks better than any other game created to date, just that dx10 takes it to a whole new level.
Invest in DX10 or you miss out.
Oh yes I'll miss out alright. Miss out on all the moments and threads. All those hours of debugging and frustration of, "WHY IS MY COMPUTER DOING THIS" or, "WHY AM I GETTING SUCH SLOW FRAME RATE IN BIOSHOCK WHEN I SHOULD BE GETTING HIGH FRAME RATE BASED ON MY SPECS?" (actually I just saw this person who had a rig at least of 1,000 dollars and had frame rates of at least 10 in Bioshock, maxed. Clearly, he shouldn't have and most people in the thread agreed it was Visat).
Windows Vista will most likely change. The bugs fixed and all everything sorted out. But as of right now, it's a piece of **** and not worth the money. If you manage to get it for free (with a new computer or something) then that's a different story. Still, given the option, I would choose XP over Vista until Microsuck get up off their asses and FIX IT.
Besides, it's just some huge conspiracy to get your damned money anyway. Example: Why pay for Windows Vista? If I can play Crysis on high/maximum settings on Windows XP, why in the hell would I pay for Windows Vista and DirectX 10 cards?
It's true it looks better than Windows XP. At what cost? If I bought Windows Vista I would have to buy a nice Direct X10 graphics card, and most likely a new computer rig all together. Now, stop and think: How much money would I save if I didn't buy Windows Vista and get caught up in that, when I can in fact play it on Windows XP with better performance?
The bottom line is: I'm satisfied with DX9 and until you people can come up with a decent enough reason to spend hundreds (maybe thousands) of money just to play DX10 and their "next level" lighting, this discussion is over.
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