well, im not from the United States so the games here are a little expensive :D
i have to choose one game, im a huge RTS fan so im between those two
wait for C&C3 or just buy SupC?
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If you played Total Annihilation and loved it, go for Supreme Commander...its 99% identical to Total Annihilation, dont expect anything different (not a bad thing necessarily).
If you are a fan of C&C and want more of the same old goodness they provided over the years, then get C&C3.
I loved Total Annihilation but I don't like Sup Com I loved C&C and still like C&C3 So it's best to download the demo's and see for yourself.FuRRieT87
My feelings exactly. Supreme Commander is the most unoriginal game ever created, atleast from my experience.
I personally would get Supreme commander, it is alot more unique. C&C3 is much more cookie cutter, following along the lines of every other C&C game with better graphics. Supreme commander is slower but much more rewarding (beware if your pc isn't a beast though)Yes, you really need to buy all three!!! LOL I think they all three will be great RTS's and Company of Heroes is just so different and polished it is a must have. Company of Heroes is one of those that you can't always boom to win. Resources trickle out and you only get more by getting new territory. This creates a style of play that you just won't have in C&C or SC. I'm not saying better, just much different and refreshing. I could not survive on just one or the other styles of RTS games. Now I need both!
However, if you don't have Company of Heroes, get that. It's by far the best of any recent RTS.
I can't believe Bo you have the guts to say Supreme Commander is unoriginal and talk about CnC 3 and not mention the fact that CnC 3 is the most unoriginal game ever made! Whats it add to the dam franchise? Formations? A new sidebar? Lmao
 Face the facts, the fact is CnC 3 is shallow console garbage, it's even worse then a direct remake of say a RA2 or TS because it has even less depth!
What has CnC 3 added that weren't in the CnC games before honestly? A better looking side bar? Lmfao Better graphics? lmao The only thing I can think of is formations.
CnC 3 is far more of a rehash then Supcom by a large margin, Supcom added a number of things like.
First the obvious....
The Zoom, this is huge
Commander upgrades, not only a few but a ton, it's not just the upgrades,but what they bring! The Commander plays a much bigger role in this game, almost like a hero unit only when he dies game over.
Upgrading, if I could give one thing to TA this would be it! It is fantastic that I can just go up to the next tech with the click of a button in it instead of being forced to make a whole new building and it's not just for the factories, these upgrades apply to a number of things like the Radars, the mass extractors, the shields and more as well!
The scale, this is huge people might remember TA as a big scale game, but this game dwarfs it, honestly a few dozen units was a gigantic army in TA, the scale of the maps and everythng is just mind blowing.
Unit uniqueness, now hold on before you blow a gasket and ramble on about how the factions are so similar blah blah blah, thats not even what I'm talking about, I am talking about within the factions themselves the unit variation within each given faction is dramatic unlike in TA were I'd say many of the units within each faction were very similar, in Supcom ever unit within any given faction is completely different from every other unit in that faction and every unit has it's dam purpose, theirs not a unit in supcom that I have found to not have a use.
The resource system, some may not like this some may love this, the resource system is much more complex in Supcom then it was in TA, part of this complexity comes with the adjacency bonus, this adds a whole new level of strategy to base building! You have to decide how much you want to use the adjacency bonus in your base, the more you use it, the better for you economy, but the more you use it the higher the potential damage could be from an attack on your base. Honestly the resource systems TA compared to Supcom are as different as Company of Heroes and Starcrafts are from one another.
Experimental units, yes the Kogroth was in one of the TA expansions, but thats it! In Supcom experimental units play a major role in the game and are dramatically different from faction to faction ranging from an independence day flying saucer death ray aircraft carrier to a Submersible Battleship that can can conquer the sea with hvy underwater power, or surface and erect it's massive cannon while also turning into a mobile sea factory! 12 in total, to even compare the 1 experimental of TA that was just put in for show would be very wrong indeed.
Hover units, missiles/anti missiles and many other new gameplay factors that add to the enormous depth of this game were not present in TA. Hover units play a massive role in this game in particular.I don't even think shields were in TA (I mix memories of TA with it's many mods so..)
Transports and the ferry system, transports didn't even really play a role at all in TA outside of comb bombing as transports could only carry one unit at a time and were a pain to manage, in Supcom they can carry 6 to a dozen units and are very simple to use with features like the ferry system that will make it so the transports continuously transport units from one area to another.
The interface has been rehauled completely, you have the option of the regular UI and the mini UI and you have the ability to move the UI were ever you want it, you also have the many new interface tools added like the new que system, coordinated attacks, the repeat/pause function, the assist function which allows factories to help other factories, the click and drag patrol system and more.
Formations, like CnC 3 Supcom added formation only in Supcom their are over a dozen different formations.
Air/Sea units role, yes Sea and air played a role in TA unlike most RTS games, but in Supcom they are on the same level and even above land in many cases, in TA it would be suicide to go anything other then land first, but because the Sea and Air play a bigger role in this game you can go with them first and have major success.
Single player:No the story isn't going to be turned into a book, but it is hardly bad, in TA they didn't even attempt a story really, or any voice acting during the game and the missions were pretty linear with little variation and all in all not really worth your time, some of the early missions in supcom aren't all that great, but the later ones in all the campaigns are intense and loads of fun something TA's singleplayer didn't even come close to.
The online setup, an ELO chess based ranking system, team rankings, clan rankings, built in clan support, insane statistics that go as far to tell you how many of what unit types you have built, had destroyed, destroyed, your success with what. The numbers it collects are just insane! Add the replay vault, at the end of every game it asks you if you want to upload the video to the replay vault, a system that allows you to fastly look up popular replays and such, you can even right click on somebody's name and look at all their replays in a blink of an eye. You can even customize the coloring of ever aspect of the GPGNET client. The online system of this game surpasses even Warcraft 3's maybe not in look, but in content by miles.
So CnC 3 did what? Added a new interface and formations? Supcom did both those things to a larger degree and improved and added many major other things like the examples listed above.
I understand where you are coming from, and how my remarks might cause confusion.
The fact is the way the two games are marketed, and how the masses treated the hype.
SupCom was supposed to be the next step in RTS games. I was expecting to be blown away by SupCom the same way Homeworld blew me away years ago. On the official website, they put detailed portfolios about the main characters of the game, environments and histroy of the planets, and mission statements of each faction; this lead me to believe that an elaborate story would unfold as a played the game.
Unfortunately, the game fell extremely short. The only redeemable quality of SupCom, in my opinion, is the elabortate waypoint system, such as used by patrols, coordinated attacks, and the ferrying of units. Air combat was also a nice change from the norm. I actually got involved more with the official website than with the game, and as soon as the wow factor of SupCom is gone, you are left with a poorly optimized Total Annihilation remake. A remake full of flashy gimmicks.
C&C 3, however, seems to be marketed as a continuation from the previous two Tiberium-universe games, so we cant [and shouldnt] expect anything new except some units and a story. And thats okay, because any press on C&C3 hasnt told us otherwise.
Thats my logic atleast. And part of my frustration vents from the fact that along with RPGs, I consider RTS games to traditionally have some of the best stories and better single-player experiences across all genres. Thats part of the reason why I dont appreciate Starcraft, as there is too much emphasis on multiplayer while the singleplayer missions are horrible, repetative, and boring.
supreme commander is a really good RTS, i love it, but im not playing it that much as i need to upgrade my comp. it plays fine besides some slowdown, and from time to time it cripples my machine and i have to quit.Â
as for C&C3, im really hoping i can get into it, but i sucked at skirmish, i hated it and i hope that will change b/c i love C&C
I think he passionately hates C&C.Jesus Christ!!! Why don't you write a book next time.
Way too much free time on your hands.
I never tried TA but have been playing supcom since the first week of the beta (3-4 months ago) and I am still enjoying it. If you enjoy huge battle or lots of room to play its for you. The zoom is a great feature.
Now for C&C 3 I have been playing the series since red alert and still have all of the oldies on my comp and the old bulky boxes. I tried the demo over the weekend and was a little disappointed but not to much. Missed that side taskbar. There are some new features that are cool but there are some things I wish were still in it like the cyborg commando or the Mammoth (it was awsome the new one feels like the red alert mammoth tank) All in all it was good.
If you have a good comp I would go for supreme commander since it will have a ton of great mods coming out soon. If you like a upclose game like Dow or Coh then you'll like C&C 3
Idk what the hell you were expecting, you got exactly what they showed in the E3 video! I think people knew for the most part it was going to be a sequel to TA not some radically different game. I think the differences between TA and Supcom are pretty substantial, much bigger then most sequels tend to be. You have to remember that TA was never that big, yes it had a very hardcore following, but I think THQ's marketing was thinking more then half the people that are going to buy this game will have never even played this game so we can push it as something revolutionary and it sure is if you haven't played TA, if you have and loved TA then you should love this game. I don't think the game is really poorly optimized, I'm no programmer, but I think the game is fairly optimized considering the sheer amount of things that are going on. You might not remember, but when TA came out it was just as much as a system hog if not more so. All in all I really don't understand how you could be caught so off guard with the E3 videos coming out a year ago. BeyondItAll
deep breaths, dude.
I am not saying its a bad game, its actually quite a good one, I am just saying that I was disappointed with it.
[QUOTE="BeyondItAll"]Idk what the hell you were expecting, you got exactly what they showed in the E3 video! I think people knew for the most part it was going to be a sequel to TA not some radically different game. I think the differences between TA and Supcom are pretty substantial, much bigger then most sequels tend to be. You have to remember that TA was never that big, yes it had a very hardcore following, but I think THQ's marketing was thinking more then half the people that are going to buy this game will have never even played this game so we can push it as something revolutionary and it sure is if you haven't played TA, if you have and loved TA then you should love this game. I don't think the game is really poorly optimized, I'm no programmer, but I think the game is fairly optimized considering the sheer amount of things that are going on. You might not remember, but when TA came out it was just as much as a system hog if not more so. All in all I really don't understand how you could be caught so off guard with the E3 videos coming out a year ago. mrbojangles25
deep breaths, dude.
I am not saying its a bad game, its actually quite a good one, I am just saying that I was disappointed with it.
First of all, they did promise it to be revolutionary, they said that it was NOT going to be just a spin-off of Total Annihilation, they promised deeper unit tactics, which actually allowed your units to go off and perform evasive manuevers in battle (and the AI comes out as mentally retarded morons who shoot at mountains) the tactical map was made out to be more than just a glorified mini-map, and the scale was exaggerated immensely.Hmmm, lied is a strong word. It's a system hog but it also copes with hundreds of units. The scale was exaggereated? Hmmm, I don't get that. Did you play the skirmish small map that is 10k by 10k and call the scale too small or have you actually played the 81k by 81k maps and believe those are not big enough as well? I just can't imagine that someone could actually be dissapointed by the sheer size of SC. I play skiirmish mostly on 20k by 20k maps and they feel absolutely huge. C&C3 is great. SC is great. They are different. If you want an RTS with more options, bigger scale, all that stuff beyonditAll wrote in his disertation on the first page then SC is your only choice. If you want a prettier, slicker, version of C&C Generals then C&C 3 is great. I would also bet money C&C 3 campaign will be better than SC. Skirmish and MP is where it's at for SC. The campaign is a major grind fest in SC with each mission lasting like 3 hours. As you said, the game is fantastic, but not perfect... still I think they delivered on what they promised. There is nothing else in the same league in terms of size, unit count and options for managing the battles.
The game is fantastic, but they just didn't deliver what they promised they effectively lied.
First of all, they did promise it to be revolutionary, they said that it was NOT going to be just a spin-off of Total Annihilation, they promised deeper unit tactics, which actually allowed your units to go off and perform evasive manuevers in battle (and the AI comes out as mentally retarded morons who shoot at mountains) the tactical map was made out to be more than just a glorified mini-map, and the scale was exaggerated immensely.
The game is fantastic, but they just didn't deliver what they promised they effectively lied.
if there were redeeming qualities to the game (smart AI, for example), then I could easily overlook some other faults but the game basically consist hurling one massive army against another while you race to build a superweapon.
What did it not deliver man? Don't give me any general bs either! Like saying it's not teh revolution! Specifically what did it not include? What was their in the E3 videos that werent in the game?
1. Like I said before, relax and take deep breaths. You sound like a fanboy and the game just came out.
2. Sorry, I didnt go to E3 and camcorder videos of gameplay dont suffice, not to mention games at E3 are often in developmental form and not final (and therefore dont give a good idea of what the final product will be).
3. As for what it delivered that was not already found in Total Annihilation or other RTS games, I cant really think of much.Â
-The zoom feature is a ripoff of Homeworld's "sensor mode" (now that was original!)
-The waypoint system is barely better than what is found in C&C: Tiberian Sun
-The nukes in Earth 2150 are waaaaay better than the nukes in SupCom...atleast when Earth 2150's nukes go off I can see it happening, unlike the white balls that appear in SupCom.
-Starcraft and even C&C: Generals has true balance and variety in their units, whereas every unit in SupCom is the same (one has tank treads, one has legs, and one has hover but basically theyre all equivelent).
-As for the graphics, I think most recent RTS games have SupCom beat not only in appearance but also in optimization. Its really going to be hard to get an online following that rivals Starcraft's when only the diehard or financially gifted people can afford to run this game in a proper manner.
You know, I dont think the topic creator should get either game. SupCom is a good game and C&C3 is gonna be sweet, but I think the topic creator should get a nice snowcone instead!
Yes, snowcone! Its a cone made of snow, covered in flavored syrups! its deliscious, and far more enjoyable than any game. Choose from lime, lemon, cherry, coconut, strawberry, raspberry, and hundreds more flavor combinations! Its the perfect treat on a sunny, hot day! And, by eating a snowcone it makes you look super sexy to all the ladies as the syrup and ice drops down your arm!
Yum, Im gonna get a snowcone right now! Come on guys!
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