So, I'm installing Windows for the first time on a new system with a 250GB HDD. However, I totally forgot about the 32GB limit on a FAT32 partition. My question is, what software can I launch from a bootable CD that will format my HDD in NTFS?
I'd go out and get Partition Magic. It's a fantastic program for partitioning. Has a graphical user interface that make it a breeze. Sure, you'll probably only use it once, but if you want to avoid any headaches this is the perfect choice.
I almost forgot, it will do non-destructive partitions. Say you want to change the size of a partition. I think that with XP you'd have to format that partition to do it, while PM can just move stuff around. Within limits anyway.
you can do it though windows. in windows right click on the start menu and click customise and tick the adminstrative tools. then go in the administarative tools and click computer management>storage>disk mangagement and then there should be a list of all your drives. just right click on the part of the drive that says free space and click new patition and a wizard comes up that will lead you through. you should click the quick format box unless you want to wait for ages.
So, I'm installing Windows for the first time on a new system with a 250GB HDD. However, I totally forgot about the 32GB limit on a FAT32 partition. My question is, what software can I launch from a bootable CD that will format my HDD in NTFS?kodex1717
What OS are you installing Most will format the drive out of the box. I beleive 2000 has a 160 gb limatation and any of the older systems will have the 32 Gb limataion of fat 32 because they can't see NTFS. If its XP just boot off the XP CD and when you get to the HDD, if you have already formatted a fat32 partition delete it when you get to the partioning part of the setup. Highlight it then press d then enter then L to let it know your sure. After that just take the windows defaults it will format it NTFS for the full size.
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