[QUOTE="Obiwan_1O"][QUOTE="LongZhiZi"]I can't really recommend ATI/AMD cards, unless you're a person who intends to upgrade every few years or so. But if you're a guy like me who likes to really wear out a card before replacing it (either by running it to death or until games are unplayable on anything but low at 800x600), then AMD is proving themselves to be ****. From the grapevine, AMD is dropping support for its 2XXX, 3XXX, and 4XXX line of cards sometime this summer. This is balls, as my 4870 1GB is perfectly capable of running all games in existence. Given the fact that I'm losing support just 3 years after purchasing the card, I won't buy AMD next time, that's for sure. But again, if you're the kind of person who upgrades relatively frequently, this won't affect you. Then, I'd mostly just say look at price/performance and whichever company does best in your price range should get your money.kraken2109
Wow dude your a fool, losing support just means they wont be making new drivers for it. The card will still run fine and since its been around so long they have developed the drivers as good as they will get so not making new ones means nothing. All you have to do is stick with 12.7 or whatever will be the last ones till you need a new card and you wont have any problems running it into the ground. A new card like the 7xxx series has not been fully harnesing its power so new drivers are needed to optamize it but your 4870 wont run any better any time soon as they have wrung all the performance possible out of it so new drivers are pointless for you. Nvidia does this too, when new technologies come out often older cards arent even capable of utalizing them so thats just the way it is, technology moves fast and why would you want it to slow down?
Drivers often fix bugs in new games. Losing support is a big deal. Especially for people using crossfire setups, where new games often work badly. Also TC, AMD linux support is generally considered not as good as nvidia's.True but also to be fair to AMD they didnt exactly said they would stop releasing drivers but rather change policy on older card and not update their drivers as often as new cards
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