plz tell me all about World of warcraft the latest one
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Just the expansion? Ok then.
1) Reputation grinds are all instanced, the Exhalted rewards suck, you will be doing 20-30 runs of each of the 5 mans (6-7)
2) Until the next expansion you will then be replaying this 5-mans on HEROIC MODE , forever grinding for tokens for crappy epic gear and RESISTANCE GEAR (a must so you cant dodge it) , Heroic modes are exactly the same but the mobs hit alot harder, aka no inovation and terrible boring, a boss added here or there.
3) After/druing that you will be killing the same 2x 25 man boss "Lairs" endlessely trying to attune all your players to "Serpentshrine liar" every week, while mindlessely grinind the 10-man instance leaving guild members out and frustrated every week.
4) Sepertant shrine (Tier 5) The Eye (Tier 5) Mount Hijal (Tier 5-6) Black Temple ( Tier 6 ) are all 25-man grindfests with fast respawning mobs, ridiculously insane bosses which need to be learnt and even then some like "Lady Vashj" are pure luck fights as always.
5) Enjoy that mindless cycle, every week, for the rest of your WoW life.
1) Battlegrounds are dying, rewards take ages to get and are worse than 5-man blues.
2) Arena ... balance LOL , Rock Paper Scissors or Gladiator Gears Team > Pwn everyone.
Welcome to the Burning Crusade. 9.2 give me a break :roll:Â
First, you buy it. Then Blizzard sucks you in and you become horribly addicted to grinding, looking at outdated graphics, and arguing with 10 year olds. All for $15 a month.
That is the basics anwyay.
1. You make a character
2. Do boring quests until lvl 30 or so and pick a profession.. blacksmith, leatherworker, etc.Â
3. Grind till lvl 70 while doing some PVP if you feel up to it.
4. Do the same instances around 2039059230 times to get that special item so you can show it off to people who really don't care.
5. Get tired of the game and quit for a few months..
6. Come back because you needed to fill the empty space in your soul that you couldnt fill with normal activities such as going outside or socializing with real people in the flesh.
7. Make a new character after your account gets hacked.
8. Repeat 1-5
Dont listen to these hippies. They either have no experience and are exagerating the horror stories theyve heard, or they made a mistake and treated WoW like a job and are now resentful.
In moderation, I think WoW (with the expac) is one of the greatest games out there. I could easily play it and it alone, thus saving me money (15 dollars a month is cheaper than one new game per month which used to be my habit).
Comunity is awesome, classes and factions are great, and running a few instances per week is great fun. Sure, it can get boring....after three hours! And honestly, what game doesnt get a bit stale after a three hour sitting? In addition, you can get about 40 hours per month out of WoW as a casual player: most new, 50-dollar games dont offer that much for the entire game!
Totally agree. Ignore all the other posts here and read this one. I would like to add, you do NOT have to grind or do instances if you don't want to. You play the way you want to and do what you want to, thats the beauty of wow. I spent most of my time on my last char doing nothing but having fun, by fun i mean stupid things like stripping my priest naked and running into orgrimmar to see just how far i could get. Myself and friends would play tag the banker in undercity or run through an instance solo just to see who could get furthest. Many many more pointless things too that provided hours of fun away from the main game. These are the things that make me remember wow so fondly.Dont listen to these hippies. They either have no experience and are exagerating the horror stories theyve heard, or they made a mistake and treated WoW like a job and are now resentful.
In moderation, I think WoW (with the expac) is one of the greatest games out there. I could easily play it and it alone, thus saving me money (15 dollars a month is cheaper than one new game per month which used to be my habit).
Comunity is awesome, classes and factions are great, and running a few instances per week is great fun. Sure, it can get boring....after three hours! And honestly, what game doesnt get a bit stale after a three hour sitting? In addition, you can get about 40 hours per month out of WoW as a casual player: most new, 50-dollar games dont offer that much for the entire game!
Ya Ive been playing the game for over two years now I think and I still aint 70 yet! Thats ok though, atleast I take my time and enjoy the ride.
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