is any1 getting star battlefront 2 for the computer because it have 1 new jedi and 1 new sith from the star wars battle front 2 for the ps2 is it worth getting
wow...just wow seriously.. the way thats written... and the question... infact what is the question i can't really understand itGenTom
He wants to know if anybody is getting Star Wars Battlefront 2. He hears they are adding 1 new sith and 1 new jedi. :wink:
I'm looking into it. I don't know, I still wish they'd make another Jedi Knight game. Jedi Academy was one of my all time favorites, and I don't care how corny that is =p it was just a great game and I'd love to see another sequel true to the original - i'd be hooked immediately. Anyways I never owned the first battlefront.
Not everyone has English as their first language. You guys are evil :Psomeone6669
im pretty sure this guys first language is english lol but anyways this game came out a couple years ago... no i dont plan on buying. and also no one plays it online any more
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