Hi guys,
so i didnt watch the new components in the last 2 years, since i bought my new pc.
I want to build a gaming pc that can run crysis, or Metro 2033 etc, at maximum settings and 1900x1200 resolution...
I was wondering what kind of processor i need, Corei7 are way too expensive and i dont think we really need it.
Right now i have a intel core2duo 3.16ghz, and ati hd4850 512meg and 2gb ram
I would like a pc with windows7, no monitor, keyboard,mouse etc needed.
I searched and there is no new core2 and quad since the last 2years? are they only gonna make i3 and i7? what is the difference between both?
i didnt even know i3 existed lol
so anyway, any suggestions, for a very good pc that can run recent games with dx10 or dx11 settings? i would pay 1000$ca. (excluding win7 price)
thx. :)
edit: dont mind the bad grammar please lol
edit2: i forgot to mention i can play crysis maxed out right now, with resolution of 1440x900 with average 32fps, i can also play Metro 2033 at high, 1440x900 with average 25 in heavy light area and upward 60fps in low light, or medium light areas.
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