lol tittle...
*cough* ummmmm, games to play, eh? Man, five years you missed some real gems!
I will keep the list short and just recommend some recent ones to you:
Multiplayer FPS:
Battlefield 1: probably the game to play
Team Fortress 2: older than 5 years, still relevant though
Overwatch: new game by Blizzard, very competative, rock-paper-scissor balance you'd expect from them
Singleplayer FPS:
DOOM (2016): a hyped title, but still surprised a lot of people. A return to the "good old days" of pure shooters, just a space marine, his gun/s, demons, and Mars (and of course an evil corporation). A lot of fun!
Dishonored 1/2: the thinking man's FPS, it has a variety of different ways to tackle your objectives. Really neat art direction, you can play lethal/non-lethal, action/stealth, good story...lots of replayability, awesome gameplay, just an awesome all around experience
Starcraft 2 (RTS): came out in a series of episodes for each race, and older than five years, but you might have missed out on it. Very popular online and off, might want to give it whirl.
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak (RTS): truly one of the best RTS's (imo) to come out in recent memory, this is one of the best single-player strategy games I have played since the original Homeworld and C&C games. A bit different as it takes place on a planet, and not space, but really awesome as it incorporates aspects of the original game yet still does things differently. Very cinematic, beautiful, awesome story.
Homeworld Remastered (RTS): not really a new game, but an old game remastered, just figured I'd throw it out there since it's worth it.
Civilization 6 (TBS): not much to say; arguably the best turn-based strategy game series is back, with arguably its best installment. Changes things up quite a bit, and for the better. If you haven't gamed for a few years and are looking for a TBS, Civ 6 is the way to go
Stellaris (4X): while the "4X" genre is not technically new, it has defnitely been perfected in recent years and made incredibly popular, and Stellaris is arguably one of the better and more recent examples of it. Games can be HUGE (often to an incromprehenible, you'll-see-it-when-you-get-there-I Can't-really-explain-it degree) but fun, and rewarding.
City Builder, etc:
Cities Skylines: SimCity is dead, all hail Cities Skylines! Seriously, arguably the best city builder since SimCity 4
Anno 2070: might have been more than five years out, but on the off chance you missed it, I'm putting it down here; an awesome city-builder-meets-economy-sim, it is a micro-managers wet dream. DO NOT buy Anno 2205
Stonehearth: while still in early access, this sweet little "village sim" is an amazing amount of fun with a devoted, highly-active development team that you can tell really cares about their product. It's very fun block-based (think minecraft) game where you control villagers and create a village that is beset by creatures at intervals, there's an economy to worry about, people to feed...lots of fun!
Planet Coaster: a new king to the coaster sim, Planet Coaster is simply the best. Intuitive interface lets you design to your hearts content, fun gameplay, just awesome.
Divinity: Original Sin: an "old school" RPG with tongue-in-cheek humor, it was a crowdsourced tale of success that is near and dear to many hearts. It's gameplay is perhaps the best part, with a variety of ways to play (and abuse, and cheat, and exploit) to your heart's content.
Pillars of Eternity: do you remember Obsidian? Remember those old school isometric RPGs with the hand-drawn backgrounds? Well, they're back. With a vengeance. And they are awesome.
Tyranny: same as above, only different
Fallout 4: same as Fallout 3, Skyrim, Fallout NV...only about half as entertaining imo, but everyone else liked it. So did I tbh, I mean the previous games were REALLY REALLY REALLY fun, this one was just really fun.
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun: a real-time tactics game, if you ever played the old Commandos games this will have you feeling right at home. And frustrated. And rewarded. And frustrated. And rewarded. Takes place in feudal Japan.
There's more but I have to go.
If I had to recommend a "starter pack" I'd say....
Cities Skylines
and/or Pillars of Eternity/Fallout 4
the "___/____ " depends on what your preference might be, i.e. do you want pure RPG of pillars, or action-rpg of you want slower-paced empire building of Civ, or slightly faster paced, more-likely-to-be-war of Stellaris?
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