It's right here in the shrink wrap, and I'm about to tear it open.
I bought this game in March for $20 - even in March it was already in the blasted bargain bin. I can't stand the sight of it sitting there on my shelf in the shrink wrap any longer so I'm going to crack it open tonight and install it, even though I've barely even touched The Sims 3, Battestations Pacific, Empire, and Ghostbusters - to the point where I'm actually feeling guilty about it (Empire, in particular, is a game that deserves much more attention from me than what it's gotten so far... I just don't have the time to play all this stuff... how people can say that they're bored is just beyond me.)
But anyway, my understanding is that I'll be playing as a 'runner' - correct? It's a totalitarian state in which I'm living, and all communications are monitored, so if people want to exchange information secretively then they have to do so the old fashioned way, via a courier. Nice setup.
I also get to use the Ageia physics accelerator on my Nvidia based GTX 275 - so yay!
I read a PC review, written by a person who had also played the 360 version - he wrote that this is maybe the one game that works better on the PC, because the mouse and keyboard controls apparently allow you to see much more precisely where your feet are. Anyhow, I'm actually quite excited about this. The game looks different. It's nice to play something different every now and then.
I've got Quantum Of Solace on my shelf in the shrink wrap too, so that might get installed next week. ARMA 2 and the Fallout 3 DLC will go in August, as well as... I'm kind of embarrassed to write this... Dead Space. That's right, I still haven't played Dead Space. I've got my eye on Prince of Persia too.
Man, is it ever turning out to be a dry summer. Where are all the games?
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