Hmmm, well I think you will have to wait for PC.In about a month the Q4 releases will start coming and then you'll have tons of PC gaming goodness.
Since you have a PS2 and PS2 stuff is cheap now I suggest you check out:
Dragon Quest VIII, Final Fantasy X + X-2 + XII, Xenosaga 1-3, Tales of the Abyss, Disgaea 1+2, and Valkyrie Profile 2 if you like RPG's.
Gran Turismo 4 for racing
God of War 1+2 for a blood bath. I don't see the game as being particularly special, but most PS2 owners worship it.
Jak and Daxter Triology, Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank series, and Tomb Raider Anniversary, and Timesplitters 1-3 for everything else.
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