Well, I've gamed on PCs my whole life, (though I've always had consoles as well) due to my brothers being PC gamers I never really had to worry myself about having a gaming rig. But as of late I have no computer suitable for gaming, I am 16 and my brothers have all left home and my last gaming computer well... its a long story. So I need a new one. Obviously, since this will be the first gaming computer I build I myself, I have a first question.
Question number 1: Is Mac at all suitable for gaming? I have noticed mac has been getting more and more games but countless windows fanboys insist Mac is just no good for gaming. I ask because I would like to switch to mac *IF* it IS suitable. I find Mac's OS smoother, easier, less buggy and I grow tired of window virues. But I'm guessing I will have to stick with windows... I might get a windows desktop for gaming and just get a mac laptop for other personal use if I can afford it.
Question number 2: How many money should I scape together before starting this? I understand Mac would be more expensive so obviously theres that issue. Also I live in Australia, I've noticed things are generally more expensive here?
Okay, so for now I just have those 2 questions. I will obviously have more later on but for now, I just need to know these two things.
Edit: I should add that I would like this desktop to last me a long time so I'm think it could be good enough to play the latest game on high settings.- just so I dont have to upgrade it anytime soon. I am honestly absolutely fine with low settings when it comes to games, I just find PC more accessible- plus them elders scrolls mods make the game actually PLAYABLE!?!
Oblivion with Mods > Vanillia Oblivion ;)
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