The beta is sweet tho ive been playing it none stop for 2 days and i m bored of it now ive tryed allmost every vehicle
My fav vehicles is the Infantry combat vehicle 350pointsand thelitetank 400points
(dont buy the APC 450points,Itscrap and the wheels can getblow off, making it very hard to shoot enemys)
here is a pic of the Infantry combat vehicle
-1 driver 6 passengers
Armement- 40mmcannon/rocketpods
Armor - nades do very little damage ,handheld missile launcher 2x shots anywere on tank =blow up
pros - fast movingtank ,
- iwas drivingtheInfantry Combat Vehicle today and a enemythrownd a nadejust undertheturrentwere it meets the bodyandDisabled the movement of the turrentmaking it veryvery hard to aim at targets i had to swing the whole tank around just to line up the gun ona enemy. At first I thought it was a glitch, but after I bought another Inf Com Vehicle and saw it worked fine.
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