Oooh, I know why you're mentioning this game! You're in love with JnWycliffe! Right? Right??
JnWycliffe and crazymaghie123 sitting in a tree....
A monster like me and a pretty asian girl couldn't ever fall in love..although each night since we tracked eachother I've been hoping that the stars would allign and our avatars would combine in an act of love.
But yeah I actually was reminded of incredible machine from his World of Goo review which mentioned it and I remember some people playing it back in the day..
A new Incredible Machine game that made use of havok or some of the new physics hardware out today would be really be great. But Vivendi still owns the rights to the game, I'm sure, so we probably won't see it. Perhaps if Garage Games made a spiritual successor like they did with Tribes.....
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