I've been playing FO3 for months - I kept my Saved Games and installed GOTY Edition to get all the Expansion Packs. I've been playing GOTY for over2 hours and I haven't received a single PIP message for any of the new content. or Expansion Packs. The game is playing fine, no problems whatsoever, except there is no new PIP messages coming up. I'm a senior who enjoys a little PCgame play on the weekends and I just want to figure out why the new content is not showing up. I got 2 discs in my package and the 2nd one seems useless, it froze my system and I just took it out.
I wrote Bethesda and got a message backthat seems like a Foreign Languageto me, I've never used Games for Windows Live to play FO3:
Please check the following if the content does not appear to be working in the PC version of Fallout 3:
1. Make sure you are logged into Games For Windows Live using the same gamertag used when you purchased the DLC.
2. Fallout 3 must be installed on the same drive (C:) as the Games For Windows Live client and content. If this is not the case, you may get the "loading content" message, but it will not activate or show up in the game.
3. If you experienced any errors during the download or installation of the DLC, please try redownloading the DLC under your gamertag.
4. Make sure you are not using any 3rd party mods or have made alterations to the game using the G.E.C.K editor. Some mods and changes may prevent the content from working properly.
Note that if you travel to the game area where the new content resides, and see exclamation marks, missing textures, etc, this is an indication the content did not load successfully.
Appreciate any help that can be offered.
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