A few weeks ago I bought the 3 in 1 plan TWC offers with a internet speed of 50Mbps. The router they gave me is a Arris TG862GA2. I got it mainly because it seemed to be the best internet I could get in my area. Also let me admit to you right off the bat I am a noob at all this technical Internet stuff so please bear with me.
Now I want to make a push into the next generation in a big way. I am buying a 4K Tv, a 4K Netflix plan, and a Shield Tv android device to stream 4K media as well as stream 1080p games over the Internet. However it seems my internet cant handle this step forward I am taking. For instance the Netflix 4K plan requires a minimum of 25Mbps. When I test wirelessly on my tablet or over a cable on my PS4 I only average 15-20Mbps. Now I understand that I will never get to truly run at 50Mbps but I think I can do better then this.
I am looking for ways to maximize my internet however I can. If there is a list of optimized settings for my router I would love to implement it. If sacrificing security will improve my connection I am fine with it. I live on 10 acers of land so no on can use my wireless even if they wanted to and I don't do anything sensitive on the net like pay my bills so net security is not high on my priority's. Also if I can get a honest answer if down the road I should buy a new router because the one TWC gave me sucks I would appreciate that.
Also has TWC stated if they are going to offer a higher Mbps Internet package? If so, when? Anyways that's really it. I truly appreciate any help or info your able to give my noob ass so let me just thank you ahead of time for any help given.
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