Creating a new character for Shivering Isles, and I'm planning on a heavily armored weapon-master. Eventually capping out Blunt, Blade and Hand-to-Hand. Bludgeoning, Slicing, and Fatiguing...Not sure if I should be Imperial, Khajiit, Argonian. I was thinking Imperial since they are more suitable warriors but I've played them to death, so I though it would be cool to be a fierce Khajiit weaponmaster, agile yet heavily protected and looking cool and unique (unlike a human) If you remember, going through the blackwood company and getting to the top room and killing the Khajiit leader, he was sporting heavy armor and no matter what I tried he would always counter it - disarming his blade, he goes and paralyzes me with his fists then pulls on an axe and hacks me apart. That would be cool for a Khajiit. As for an argonian, I like the swampy areas and their interesting culture as being able to breathe water and such. Being a hard skinned reptile countering every move being a complete master in every weapon and every style, hard to kill and excellent survivors...What would anyone else reccomend?
For surviving in general go for a Redguard, their resitance to most effects and melee boosts are ideal if you just want to hack away no matter where you are.
Orc is a similar role and they can even surpass a Redguard when they go Beserk, and are capable of repairing their own armor more efficiently at the start.
Khajiit are ideal if you like to play quickly. Raise their speed, make sure you choose female for more health.
Argonians are I find to be a poor choice for a Jack of All trades. They have to really work as either Assassin Mages or as Alchemist Warriors, which means they take longer to skill up compared to say the Redguard who uses all his skills on a regular basis. BTW Argonians dont really benefit from being Hardskinned.
A good trick for Argonians is to become an Assassin Mage. Lure your target into a lake/river, and then Paralyse them.
Dive down with them as they sink, and keep paralysing. You cant die from combat as its onesided and you cant drown. :D
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