I don't know what you guys are talking about... The game is a ghost town if you aren't level 80... I just recently started playing (in Jan'10) and there is almost never anyone to play with... From level 1-20ish, there were a few, but after 20... All the way to where I am now, 74... Other players are few and far between... From 20-60ish the dungeon finder worked pretty fast and I would only wait for about 2-8 minutes to get in a dungeon... Now, at 74, I sit around for 30 minutes most of the time, sometimes as much as 45 minutes... JUST TO GET IN... And its not like I am on a new player realm or a low pop realm... I am on a high pop realm (sometimes it is even full), which is grouped with other high pop realms... I can't even imagine what this would be like on the new realms and low/med realms if it takes this long on high...
Like I said though, plenty of stuff to do if you are 80, plenty of guilds and plenty of other people... But if you are not 80, you are alone...
Plus no one is helpful... I am level 74 and I still know almost nothing about the game... I don't even know what the hell a raid is... Most of the guilds are either terrible and filled with other people who don't know anything (and thus can't help you)... Or are so good that they can't be bothered by your trivial questions...
If you get into the game, I suggest getting into it with someone you know who is already into the game and can help you along (answer questions/get you in a guild etc...) Otherwise it will be a long lonely road to 80...
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