with Tim Cain and Josh Sawyer as the key designers I think we can hope for another cool RPG in old school style like Divinity : Original Sin
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with Tim Cain and Josh Sawyer as the key designers I think we can hope for another cool RPG in old school style like Divinity : Original Sin
If I recall correctly Tim Cain's job was limited to stronghold for this game. Also, Sawyer being heavily inspired by D&D 4e when creating the ruleset has left me skeptical.
Looks good and hope it does well for fans of old school RPG, but I'm more interested in Sword Coast Legends to be honest.... probably because it's the closest we will get to a Baldurs Gate 3....
Honestly, I think it'll be better than D: OS.
Divinity had weak writing and a heavily exploitable combat system. It was a lot of fun, but...Pillars should be at least on the level of BG1.
Looks good and hope it does well for fans of old school RPG, but I'm more interested in Sword Coast Legends to be honest.... probably because it's the closest we will get to a Baldurs Gate 3....
Huh ?
Pillars will be a lot closer to the Infinity Engine/BG style games than SCL will be.
Just cause it's d&d 'licensed'.....doesn't mean jack.
Looks good and hope it does well for fans of old school RPG, but I'm more interested in Sword Coast Legends to be honest.... probably because it's the closest we will get to a Baldurs Gate 3....
Huh ?
Pillars will be a lot closer to the Infinity Engine/BG style games than SCL will be.
Just cause it's d&d 'licensed'.....doesn't mean jack.
That's exactly what I was thinking, too. SCL has the setting but it seems like, at least from what I've seen, PoE has pretty much everything else.
On a side note, I was reading the Steam Forum the other day and there are apparently a fair amount of people who aren't buying PoE because (get this) it doesn't have....romances. What?!?!?!?!
We are doomed. DOOMED! It's time to hit the reset button on humanity.
Looks good and hope it does well for fans of old school RPG, but I'm more interested in Sword Coast Legends to be honest.... probably because it's the closest we will get to a Baldurs Gate 3....
Huh ?
Pillars will be a lot closer to the Infinity Engine/BG style games than SCL will be.
Just cause it's d&d 'licensed'.....doesn't mean jack.
That's exactly what I was thinking, too. SCL has the setting but it seems like, at least from what I've seen, PoE has pretty much everything else.
On a side note, I was reading the Steam Forum the other day and there are apparently a fair amount of people who aren't buying PoE because (get this) it doesn't have....romances. What?!?!?!?!
We are doomed. DOOMED! It's time to hit the reset button on humanity.
I was more referring to the lore and place (Sword Coast)
And I don't know why, but Sword Coast just looks better to me than Pillars.
Looks good and hope it does well for fans of old school RPG, but I'm more interested in Sword Coast Legends to be honest.... probably because it's the closest we will get to a Baldurs Gate 3....
Huh ?
Pillars will be a lot closer to the Infinity Engine/BG style games than SCL will be.
Just cause it's d&d 'licensed'.....doesn't mean jack.
That's exactly what I was thinking, too. SCL has the setting but it seems like, at least from what I've seen, PoE has pretty much everything else.
On a side note, I was reading the Steam Forum the other day and there are apparently a fair amount of people who aren't buying PoE because (get this) it doesn't have....romances. What?!?!?!?!
We are doomed. DOOMED! It's time to hit the reset button on humanity.
£10 it's people who frequent Bioware forums. Spent about a week on that forum, felt kinda dirty afterwords.
Freaks my friend. Freaks.
That's exactly what I was thinking, too. SCL has the setting but it seems like, at least from what I've seen, PoE has pretty much everything else.
On a side note, I was reading the Steam Forum the other day and there are apparently a fair amount of people who aren't buying PoE because (get this) it doesn't have....romances. What?!?!?!?!
We are doomed. DOOMED! It's time to hit the reset button on humanity.
People don't buy it cause it doesn't have romances? Oo...
Where is that button???? :P
On a serious note, I think PoE will be better than DOS, but I just don't know if it will have DOS' sales.
I bought DOS and played for some time (20hours and 3hours on character creation like all RPG fans xD) and I discover that I would love the game more if it had dnd rules.
PoE will not have dnd rules either. But SCL will have and I am very excited for this...
After the info on Sword Coast Legends I'm... less excited for PoE. I haven't lost interest completely, but NWN was one of my favorite games ever and Legends seems to be going back to that type of game only with better party and co-op feature. Add in what appears to be mod tools and the NWN-style custom campaigns and persistent worlds. Yeah I'm hoping they can do what they are promising.
I'll probably still buy PoE, but not nearly as excited now. Kinda took the wind out of my sails.
@Arthas045: It's out on the 26th. Roughly 25 hours or so from now, judging from the Steam store page.
That's exactly what I was thinking, too. SCL has the setting but it seems like, at least from what I've seen, PoE has pretty much everything else.
On a side note, I was reading the Steam Forum the other day and there are apparently a fair amount of people who aren't buying PoE because (get this) it doesn't have....romances. What?!?!?!?!
We are doomed. DOOMED! It's time to hit the reset button on humanity.
What, no romances?
Pre-order cancelled.
On a serious note, that is a good thing. Romances tend to add nothing to the game's narrative or gameplay aside from twilight-tier drivel. Of course, I am not even gonna use any companions in the first place.
After the info on Sword Coast Legends I'm... less excited for PoE. I haven't lost interest completely, but NWN was one of my favorite games ever and Legends seems to be going back to that type of game only with better party and co-op feature. Add in what appears to be mod tools and the NWN-style custom campaigns and persistent worlds. Yeah I'm hoping they can do what they are promising.
I'll probably still buy PoE, but not nearly as excited now. Kinda took the wind out of my sails.
Not just mod tools... DUNGEON MASTER !!!!
Review Scores are coming fast....
92% average on metacritic so far!
100% - PCGamesN = Obsidian had a daunting task before them: to make a spiritual successor to a series of games that are inextricably tangled up in nostalgia, over a decade after the height of those games’ popularity. This is not the Baldur’s Gate of 2015, it’s Baldur’s Gate, Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale, the best parts of the lot of them wrapped up in something new and brilliant.
100% - The Escapist = It's the best new, isometric RPG to come out in years.
95% - GRYOnline.pl = Obsidian has targeted a very specific audience for this game. It's aimed at someone like me - a fan of Baldur's Gate and Planescape Torment. Someone who loves long documents, tactical battles, complex mechanics and stylish graphics. Pillars of Eternity isn't just a tribute - it's definitely more than that. It's a new, unique thing that sometimes surpasses the great cRPGs from the past.
93% - Meristation = An extraordinary master class on how to recover an abandoned style of making RPGs, showing all its strengths. A superb story, plenty of role-pay possibilities and a beautiful trip. Hopefully, just the first stop of it.
Everyeye.it = It's a fantastic return to the roots of RPGing on PC. Incredibly deep, to the point where discovering every outcome of the story will require hundreds of hours. It's fun and engaging to play. Everyone with a sweet tooth for fantasy and roleplay should consider this game, as it's a true masterpiece from Obsidian.
92% - PC Gamer = A deep, rich, and wonderfully written RPG that lives up to the towering legacy of the games that inspired it.
90% - MMORPG.com = Is Pillars of Eternity the perfect game? No, but it is an incredibly good one. When fans backed the Kickstarter to the tune of nearly four million dollars, they did so on the promise of Obsidian returning to their roots; more than that, that they would return we RPG players to our roots. By taking cues from the past, Pillars of Eternity bears lessons for future developers. Accessibility is fine, but players learn to love depth. Cutscenes are important, but less so than a well-crafted story. And the world itself should be the reason to explore, not the experience from the 100th bandit. Pillars isn’t perfect, no, but it may just be a modern classic.
90% - Gamewatcher = All you really need to know though, is this; Pillars of Eternity is a triumph.
80% = Gamer.no
With it its isometric perspective, real time combat system, great focus on roleplaying and a decent chunk of side content, Pillars of Eternity is a giant ball of playable nostalgia. You don't have to have played Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale to get the most out of this gem of a game. It fits just as well for new players as it does for old veterans.
More to come later! GO OBSIDIAN!
My "biggest" issue so far is combat. The game would have been much better turn-based.
Combat is too fast paced. It's not really possible, or at least I haven't been successful at, setting up choke points to control battles. MoBs rush in so quickly that there's never any real opportunity to stage battles efficiently. Turn-based combat would make this a non-issue, but even slowing down some of the animations, so you're not mobbed as quickly, would help a lot, too. My ranger is usually swarmed before releasing her first arrow.
It's not a deal breaker or anything, and I'm still enjoying the little bit of the game I've played, but I can't help thinking that going turn-based would have really put this one over the fence.
I freaking love the combat. Love that I can pick how i want to play it (Currently run auto slow mode + pause after 3 seconds). Makes the game amazing. Playing my main as ranger and love that mix of oldschool rpg goodness and diablo-ish finish. Its one of the best aspects to me and the fact they added so many features so I can enjoy at my game speed. You can pretty much make the game full turn base or almost full hack and slash.
My "biggest" issue so far is combat. The game would have been much better turn-based.
Combat is too fast paced. It's not really possible, or at least I haven't been successful at, setting up choke points to control battles. MoBs rush in so quickly that there's never any real opportunity to stage battles efficiently. Turn-based combat would make this a non-issue, but even slowing down some of the animations, so you're not mobbed as quickly, would help a lot, too. My ranger is usually swarmed before releasing her first arrow.
It's not a deal breaker or anything, and I'm still enjoying the little bit of the game I've played, but I can't help thinking that going turn-based would have really put this one over the fence.
You are using PAUSE right?
Well, yeah, of course. It's not my first kick at this particular can. :)
It's that the mobs seem to rush in so quickly that they often bypass my tanks and head straight for the squishy ones I'm trying to protect. Maybe I've just been spoiled by all the really good turn-based RPGs released lately (I've also never been a huge big fan of RtwP in general). Still, like I said, I am enjoying what little I've played of the game. It has some very interesting ideas. For example: I really like, being a big fan of character building in general, the idea that I can, at any time, hire a npc that I get to build to suit my needs or whims. Very cool idea.
The art style, atmosphere, writing, and vibe are great. I would have just preferred turn-based combat (but I will always prefer turn-base combat over RTwP).
Well, yeah, of course. It's not my first kick at this particular can. :)
It's that the mobs seem to rush in so quickly that they often bypass my tanks and head straight for the squishy ones I'm trying to protect. Maybe I've just been spoiled by all the really good turn-based RPGs released lately (I've also never been a huge big fan of RtwP in general). Still, like I said, I am enjoying what little I've played of the game. It has some very interesting ideas. For example: I really like, being a big fan of character building in general, the idea that I can, at any time, hire a npc that I get to build to suit my needs or whims. Very cool idea.
The art style, atmosphere, writing, and vibe are great. I would have just preferred turn-based combat (but I will always prefer turn-base combat over RTwP).
I can't talk on the difficulty because I don't own the game, but happy that it's getting great feedback from gamers.
I was going to buy it, but from what I've seen of Sword Coast Legends, that has me more interested now.
Not trying to sound like a graphics whore... but from videos I've seen, Pillars looks really dated.
I can't talk on the difficulty because I don't own the game, but happy that it's getting great feedback from gamers.
I was going to buy it, but from what I've seen of Sword Coast Legends, that has me more interested now.
Not trying to sound like a graphics whore... but from videos I've seen, Pillars looks really dated.
I dunno, PoE looks great to these ancient eyes, and now that I've tweaked the combat settings, encounters are a bit more palatable, too. Hell, I'll take PoE over something like Dragon Age Inquisition (Game of the Year my ass), and all it's graphical glory, any day of the week. Graphics ain't everything.
My "biggest" issue so far is combat. The game would have been much better turn-based.
Combat is too fast paced. It's not really possible, or at least I haven't been successful at, setting up choke points to control battles. MoBs rush in so quickly that there's never any real opportunity to stage battles efficiently. Turn-based combat would make this a non-issue, but even slowing down some of the animations, so you're not mobbed as quickly, would help a lot, too. My ranger is usually swarmed before releasing her first arrow.
The Hit "S" key. Much like Total War, the combat speed can be toggled, slow essentially makes it the same speed as Baldurs Gate.
It's a very good feature, both for managing combat and speed up travel.
Noticed a slight bug, if you lay a trap, quick-save then die, you loose the trap.
Kinda annoying, espcailly on hard mode. Probably be patched thougth, not too big a deal.
@-wildflower-: I have it on hard and rarely have to pause, choke points are easy with intelligent formations and movement. Damage tankers absorb, priest blesses, chanter chants healing, mage and cipher dps and disable. I find myself pausing for heavily armored enemies only, the rest I hack through like weeds
And the bear cave, I went back there once I paid a Paladin to join. Hold large bear with mage, kill small bear, kill large bear.
@-wildflower-: I have it on hard and rarely have to pause, choke points are easy with intelligent formations and movement. Damage tankers absorb, priest blesses, chanter chants healing, mage and cipher dps and disable. I find myself pausing for heavily armored enemies only, the rest I hack through like weeds
And the bear cave, I went back there once I paid a Paladin to join. Hold large bear with mage, kill small bear, kill large bear.
My issue was the speed at which enemies would swarm your party, not setting up formations. Tweaking the combat settings and speed helped and, like I said in an earlier post, the combat is now more palatable but there are still path finding issues, like there are in all RtwP games. This game would have been much better with a proper turn-based combat system.
I can't talk on the difficulty because I don't own the game, but happy that it's getting great feedback from gamers.
I was going to buy it, but from what I've seen of Sword Coast Legends, that has me more interested now.
Not trying to sound like a graphics whore... but from videos I've seen, Pillars looks really dated.
I dunno, PoE looks great to these ancient eyes, and now that I've tweaked the combat settings, encounters are a bit more palatable, too. Hell, I'll take PoE over something like Dragon Age Inquisition (Game of the Year my ass), and all it's graphical glory, any day of the week. Graphics ain't everything.
No of course graphics isn't everything. I played "To The Moon" and thought it was one of the best games I ever played.
Just that PoE looks a bit "off" to me. Can't really say why. Maybe because now I'm comparing it visually to Sword Coast Legends.
Anyway.... I'm a bit worried that you can toggle the combat options??? Why? or what options can you toggle?
I just messed around with the combat speed but you can tweak different setting like when the game pauses, etc. Pretty standard stuff, really but in my haste to start playing, I jumped in without looking around first and found the combat a bit too quick for my tastes. Not a huge deal but it's better now. I was always a bit concerned about the RTwP combat because I've never been a fan.
Ridiculous amounts of detail. Picking up books telling you about customs and ritualized events./
Unlike Bethesda games, I actually read them.
Ridiculous amounts of detail. Picking up books telling you about customs and ritualized events./
Unlike Bethesda games, I actually read them.
Obisidian has always been about heaps of storytelling and detail. I reckon they have a building just filled with writers in there constantly doing 200 hour shifts, lol....
Ridiculous amounts of detail. Picking up books telling you about customs and ritualized events./
Unlike Bethesda games, I actually read them.
Obisidian has always been about heaps of storytelling and detail. I reckon they have a building just filled with writers in there constantly doing 200 hour shifts, lol....
Too many writers is a bad thing. I doubt they have many writers at all.
Just talented ones, like Chris Avellone.
Ridiculous amounts of detail. Picking up books telling you about customs and ritualized events./
Unlike Bethesda games, I actually read them.
Obisidian has always been about heaps of storytelling and detail. I reckon they have a building just filled with writers in there constantly doing 200 hour shifts, lol....
Too many writers is a bad thing. I doubt they have many writers at all.
Just talented ones, like Chris Avellone.
Yes.... too many writers is dangerous cause the main story is harder to follow or synchronize between everyone.... but heck, there's so much text in these games that they really write heaps.
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