Funny thing is, i can almost 100% guarantee that everyone in this thread talking bad about SWG hasnt played it in 3-5 years, so i wouldnt take there opinions to seriosuely, youl never get any actuall information about teh game aside from "waaah they changed the game and no i dont like it" . the things there butthurt about wouldnt even affect a new player.
The only real difference between now and then right now is the class system, and teh fact that theres actually some content in the game now.
SWG is fine, and since theres a free trial theres no reason not to try it.
You should all check out the SWGEMU project. Basically these dudes got permission from Sony to rebuild the old school SWG.....from scratch..ShotGunBunny
No they didnt, they have no permission whatsoever, not only that but it was supposed to be "out" like 4 years ago, so i dont know why anyones still following it.
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