Not everyone will have the same taste in games.
Tell this to Daniel who keeps calling people idiots in the forums everyday for not having the same opinion as him.If you wouldn't be one, you'd notice that I don't call idiots those that actually have something intelligent to post when "hating" on games, AKA I don't call idiots those that in general say something about games (never did I call an idiot for not liking a game, if you look at yourself, people don't "not like" a game, most around here like to create drama, cry, whine about their family and belongings, how developers killed their animals, they like to troll), you'll notice how you trolled with stupidity beyond the capacity of a common human being, even worse, with something totally not related to this game here.
There are 3 things I do here:
1) Hate on idiots, because I noticed everyone likes to hate every single game and they don't stop till they tell everyone how much they hate that game in every single "unrelated" thread they can find, over and over and over and over again, it's so last season, so I just hate on those haters (of course "is X worth it" or "is X better than Y?" and similar threads are viable for continuous hate for a product).
2) Talk about good games with people that enjoy those games (extremely rare because of trolls which is 1)
3) Go into debates with people that can't understand "your post is purely subjective, except when something actually has some facts behind them (not troll-ish facts AKA idiot facts, which falls under 1)", these are actually fun when no "hurr durr lawl rawwrr" random guys drops from the sky with their random delusions.
You stated your opinion, even if it's false and TDU 2 is substantially better than the boring, uninspired TDU 1, after that you were just being an idiot and you also made yourself an idiot, that's pretty low even for trolls, making fun of themselves.
You really do have issues...I thought it was just a case of extreme arrogance...
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