i have been hearing aug 12th for this card. anyone know anything yet?
OMG this is my first forum post back after being grounded for 12 months!!! What a post to back on though. 4870 X2 hass been releases but in the UK its one expensive beast atm.Also why the hell does this thing seem to perform worse in crossfire in certain benchs?The general message i seem to have got so far is its the fastest card atm but its full potential is only shown at 2560x1600.I have no idea when the 4850 X2 is out but that should be intresting for the bang for buck.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161242gregdpwIm not suprised its out of stock
My local Canada Computers has it for sale now $459.99 CAD.f-a-d-3:0 NCIX is selling it for 610 dollars!
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