My god everytime i come here now i see a new low in gaming being reached.
Auction house in Diablo 3, EA origins spyware suspicion, gears of war season pass, Beta sign ups that involve spamming people on facebook.
Where will this end?, oh its all because of the piracy and we have to recuperate the money... well BIG publisher i have got news for you...the more you pollute our minds with useless crap or systems to make some quick cash on us, the more the other side of town is gonna rip you off.
I swear to god that this is getting real retarded and the companies are taking gamers for addicts that will gobble up anything and everything a franchise can put out. The worse thing is that some people are against this but a huge bnuch of people are acting like sheep and are just grazing in the field, digesting these little tidbits without saying anything blisfully unaware that one day they will go to the slaughterhouse to be terminated and the dude that runs the show will have taken you for every penny you have.
Thankfully a lot of people are starting to react to this and saying that enough is enough and making their opinions known about being milked out of their monies for phony products or cheap scams that dont mean much in the end.
i like new content i am not going to lie but 70% of dlc's or other type of downloadable content dished out by companies are utter crap most of the time and doe not help the base game in any shape or form.
where are the chivalrous time when a company made a game then a good sequel...are those days really gone now for the sake of marketing ploys?
are we so mesmerized by content that we forget that this all amounts to money, yours and theirs and that they are out to get your money no matter how insane the plot to do it is.
i see sad days ahead where everything is going to be so convoluted in the gaming industry that something big and bad is going to have to happen to change the attitudes of big publishers. You have seen the effect of recession due to abuse from financial companies of money, well prepare yourself because at one point you might see the same happen for the gaming industry. dont laugh, one day people will wake up and say we dont need this anymore and the big publishers world will come tumbling down and the gaming industry will have hard days. mammals were not born with game consoles in their hands and can live easily without it. invincible civilizations have fallen over time because their system failed and it was the end.
you just wait and see...
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